20. Sharing

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A/N Apologies in advance for uploading on a Saturday, I've been incredibly ill and i'm going through major family crisis' at the moment. Text buddies will be uploaded too though, so don't worry! I'm also going to try and get my Drarry fic uploaded today, i have't uploaded that in over a week i think. BUT THANKS FOR 100 VIEWS ON IT!!! XX

Caspars POV

"Mate!" I heard someone, Joe, shout from upstairs. Someone had just knocked on the door, and he had gone to answer it. I'm assuming it was his friend, Alex. I've met him before, and it's not like i don't like him or anything, because i do, i just really didn't want him coming round at the moment. Not to mention the problem that will happen tonight. I don't know if Joe has realized, but because Josh is also coming tonight, we're going to have a serious incident with who's sleeping where. We're most likely going to have to share, unless Josh or Alex are adament about wanting to sleep on the floor. I doubt it.

I hear Alex's voice echo down the stairs and into my room, where i was lying watching a film on my laptop. Josh would be here in another 30 minutes. He had text me previously, saying he was just filming a quick video with Jack and Mikey.

All of a sudden, i heard Joe shout.

"Caspar!" he said.

I groaned, and closed my laptop lid. I stood, and walked up the stairs, where Joe and Alex where sitting on the couch.

Both their heads turned to me as they heard me coming up the stairs.

"Caspar!" Alex smiled widely, standing up energetically from the couch and opening his arms.

As i was about to reply, he marched over to me and flung himself around me, much to my surprise.

I spluttered with shock and hesitantly patted him on the back. It was so awkward.

He pulled back with a grin, "So nice to see you again, mate! How are things?"

"Er... things are good! Very good." I smiled back, trying to seem happy.

"That's good! Joe doesn't stop talking about you, you know? Caspar this. Caspar that. Obsessed if you asked me." he laughed loudly.

I blushed deeply, and looked towards Joe, who was also a bright red colour.

"Alex," Joe coughed, "You said we were going to go out for a drink?" 

Alex turned away from me, "Ah yes! Caspar, are you joining us?"

"I would, but my friend, Josh is here in about 20 minutes. Sorry guys." I said apologetically.

"Next time, eh?" Alex said, before going over to Joe and grabbing his sleeve, "Come on."

Joe stood up and walked with Alex to the front door, but before he left, he gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I opened my eyes wide and instantly looked to Alex, to see if he had noticed. It looked like he hadn't. I gave Joe a warning look, but i couldn't contain the smile that spread onto my face at the sight of Joe's cheeky smile.

As the both left, and the door slammed shut, i pulled out my phone and called Josh.

A/N i'm so so so so sorry. Such a crap edit omg i literally just had to speedily write this to make sure i had uploaded. God im horrible. Soryy guys

Danni X

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