17. Outrage

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Joe's POV

Caspar seemed really unsure about everything, and it startled me. I had my suspicions about the whole 'doing it to make me happy' thing, but the way he was acting in there was kind of backing that theory up.

He didn't want people to suggest that we were together on the comments, but that's exactly what we are? He wanted to tell people that we were just friends, when we were more than that? I get that it's early days, man, we've barely been together a week, but surely he could just let the fans think what they want? They'd been doing that for years anyway. It really was nothing different.

I decided to check out some of the comments for myself. They actually made me smile. It was really nice, knowing that your viewers look at your videos and take in your actions, creepy, but nice.

I then went on Twitter, liking a few tweets here and there about my latest video with Caspar, saying how they loved Jaspar collabs.

But then i saw something.

And i couldn't help but seethe. 

  'Jaspar isn't real. As much as you lot want it to be, it isn't sadly. I shall inform you when i have a change in heart, which probably won't happen'  - Tweeted by Caspar three minutes ago.

He had actually gone and done it. Despite everything i had told him, he has still gone ahead and told our followers that 'Jaspar' wasn't real. When quite frankly, it obviously was.

I got up from my place on my bed, with my laptop in my hand and stormed round the corner to Caspar's, not even bothering to knock on the door. He was still in the same place from before when i had left. 

"Care to explain?" I asked harshly, throwing my laptop on his bed roughly with his latest tweet opened wide.

He seemed took aback by my sudden outburst, and took my laptop warily.

As soon as he picked it up he sighed and brought his hand to his face.

"Joe look-" I cut him off hastily, not wanting to hear a pathetic excuse.

"You know what?!" I said, "Save it. I don't want to hear it Caspar!"

"I'm just doing what's best, Joe!" he shouted almost immediately.

I bit back my sarcastic laughter, "What's best?" I shrieked, "I told you what was best! It was to leave it!"

"Joe!" Caspar shouted, standing up of the bed and standing face to face with me, only his face was inches above mine due to height difference.

"Joe," he said calmly this time, "Don't think i did this to spite you. God no, I'd never do that please don't think that."

"I don't know what to think," I said, looking around. Anywhere other than meeting his eyes was best.

"Joe I'm not ready!" he pleaded.

"I know that!" I said, "I know, neither am i! But telling them that 'Jaspar' isn't real is telling them a lie! Or is it?"

Caspar gasped, and stood back, shock written all over his face. He quickly recovered however, and replaced it with an angry frown.

"How can you even say that?" He practically screamed.

"I'm sorry, but it just seems that way to-" he cut me off quickly.

"Well it isn't, okay!? I like you! I like what we have! But i don't like the idea of telling them yet! So i held them off for a while!" he shouted, waving his hands around frantically.

I fought back hardly, "You didn't need to do that Caspar! Don't you understand?! That's why i'm so mad at you right now! You could've just stayed quiet like we have done for the past two years! If anything, they're just going to think it's lies, as they know we haven't said anything about it before now, two years later!"

Caspar stepped back again, "Oh yeah," he stated dumbly.

I shook my head, trying to bring myself back together.

"Joe i'm sorry okay?" Caspar said in a much more calming voice than before.

He came up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look nowhere else but at him. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head, so i met his eyes with mine.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"Just-" I cut myself off this time not knowing what to say. i sighed, "Just don't do anything like that again. Got it?" I said firmly.

"Yes sir." Caspar confirmed, lifting the hand that was underneath my chin to his forehead, and saluting.

I chuckled quietly before speaking softly, "I'm going to go lie down, alright?"

He nodded, letting go of my shoulder.

Before i walked back out the door, he gave me a quick peck on the cheek, which made me blush bright red. I ran out of the room before he could notice anything. But i think he did, as i could hear him laughing through the closed door.

A/N Very late update i'm afraid :(( Sorry it's gone up so late, I've had homework to do for tomorrow. First day back tomozzzzzz ekenojneojn. I am not excited at all. I've literally had 2 weeks holidays and i hadn't done any homework, and i've had to do it all today once i got home at 6pm. Tragicccccc :((

I've decided that i'm going to dedicate each chapter to someone now on :) To get dedication you need to comment regularly and vote regularly, so i know that you are a constant reader, and you enjoy my books :)) Thanks 

Danni X


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