9. Haste

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Joe's POV


"You don't need to" he said to me.  I was completely lost at where he was going with this conversation.

"You left Gaby. So?" I ask, trying to disguise the hint of hopefulness in my voice. I could see him shake his head from where I was sat.

"I just wanted to let you know" he said.

"Thats all you came here to tell me?" I laugh, quite spitefully if I'm honest.

"No but... " he trails off at the end.

"But?" I try to make him continue what he was saying previously.

"It doesn't matter" he said.

"Right then" I say, standing up.

"What?" He asks confused, looking up at me with a quirked eyebrow.

"Well if that's it" I mumble.

"You could be a little more greatful" he laughs. Wait what? Why?

"Why on earth would I be greatful at this moment in time?" I chuckle back.

"Because I came all the way up here to see you" he says sharply, looking at me dead in the eye.

"Only to tell me you've left Gaby. Nothing special" I say back.

"Joe I- so?" He says, getting flustered, standing up looking rather frustrated.

"Look just go" I hiss, pointing towards the door.

"What?" He almost shouts, shooting towards me.

"Just go" I repeat.

"You are joking right?" He laughed menacingly.

"I came here to get away from you!" I shout.

"I'm sorry!" He yells back.

"What did you think the possible outcome was of coming here?" I scream, standing forward to him and jabbing my finger into his chest, "that what? We were going to go home and be all bezzie mates with eachother and just forget what I said? Cause we're not going to do that! Did you come to tell me about Gaby to rub it in my face? 'Oh Joe I'm single now, but you can't have me'. What made you even think-" I am cut off by a pair of lips crashing into mine.

At first I stand there still, with shock. The lips back away from mine. I open my eyes, which I didn't even realise were closed, to see Caspar staring at me intently, puffy lipped. I swallow deeply and notice that Caspar did the same. I also notice that Caspars hands had made there way up to my face, and my hands somehow made there way to his hips.

"I came here to tell you I felt the same you idiot" he said, breathing heavily.

"Y-you don't mean it" I stutter, still overcome with shock at previous occurrences.

"Don't I?" Caspar laughed, "why did I do that then eh?"

I didn't do anything. The way Caspar was looking at me, as if deep into my soul made it seem as if id lost all control of my body.

"Exactly", he says, bringing his hand to my chin and lifting my head up slightly, "I've fallen for you too"

I try to cover the smile that was growing by the second by biting my lip, almost tasting the metallic blood in my mouth by biting so hard.

"I'm sorry Joe" he says, "I'm sorry you had to see me with her. You should've said something sooner though"

I nod, knowing that that was the right thing to do at the time.

"Well" I mumble, not really knowing what to say to him.

"Are we good?" He asks, a small smile painted onto his face.

I look down hesitantly before looking back up and nodding with confirmation.

Within seconds, Caspar had pulled my in for a hug. My arms automatically go round his masculine waist and grip his back. It feels so good to be back in his company.

Does he actually feel the same though? I mean, surely before I left he would've said something wouldn't he? And he only said it when I told him to leave. I hope he isn't just playing me. I really couldn't bare that.

"Do you wanna go down? I'll race you?" He asks cheekily, pulling away from my slim figure.

I give him a look of 'your on' before legging it out the box room and stampeding down the stairs, hoping that Caspar was behind. I didn't want him to of jumped out the window whilst I was coming down stairs.

I turned, seeing that he was close behind me, smiling widely.

I turned the opposite way to see Zoe smiling encouragingly. Caspar comes bounding down the stairs seconds later.

"I guess you won" he sighed. I just look down, trying to hide the smile on my face.

"I'm glad you worked things out" Zoe said, walking over to us, "what does this mean though?" She asked hinting towards us.

I just look at Caspar and he probably did the same because I saw his head snap up too.

"I don't know" I say.

"It doesn't have to mean anything just yet. I'm not sure if I'm too ready to come out, but I want to be with you Joseph" Caspar states, and I have to admit I'm shocked. A few hours ago, Caspar was prancing around with his oh-so-special girlfriend, and now he's here, announcing he wants to be with me.

"Are you sure?" I ask, wary of his possible answer. All this could be some sick prank.

But he closes up to me, and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Joe," he nods, "I've never been so sure of something in my life"

I feel some sort of unsteady breath of relief flow from my mouth and my nostrils.

"Only, " he starts again, and I freeze, "I am sure that I need food. Pizza should do it"

Caspar smiles cheekily at me, then to Zoe who is also grinning widely, and I can't help but smile too.

"PIZZA HUT!" A shout comes from the front door. Alfie.

I see Alfie walk through the door, and into the room where the 3 of us were stood. He looks up. A surprised look takes over his face.

"Whats this then?" he asks, a teasing tone in his voice.

I look down in embarrassment, and I suspect Caspar does the same. But i suspect wrong.

His arm comes flinging round my shoulders, and I'm forced into leaning against his stomach, as if some weird hug we were embracing.

"This is my boyfriend" Caspar says proudly, and I look up to meet his eyes, which were not so far away from mine.

I blink a few times, hoping this wasn't some evil fantasy my mind way playing on me.

It seems not, as I am met by the same lips that touched mine a few minutes ago, and I feel my heart growing with love.



Haste In The Moment - Jaspar AUWhere stories live. Discover now