11. Concerns

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Joe's POV

I walk up the stairs, not with a smile,  but with a frown.

A frown, because i'm not sure this is right. Obviously, I want it, but does Caspar? Is he just doing this to make me happy? Because that's the sort of thing Caspar would do. He's a kind person, he always does something to try make me happy when i'm feeling down. Is he just doing it again here?

As I walk into 'my' room, I can here Caspar, Zoe and Alfie having a conversation downstairs about something i don't know. As much as i want to know what they're talking about, I have to pack my things. I didn't really get a lot of my belongings out, as i'd only been here for a day.

I decided to call Oli.

I pulled out my phone and found his number in my contacts. 3 rings and he picked up.


"Hey Oli."

"You alright? What's up? It's not Caspar again is it?"

"Well yeah... It is..."

"What's he done now Joe, if he's hurt you again-"

"We're together."

There was silence.

"Together? Together as in boyfriend and boyfriend?"

"Yeah. He doesn't want to tell anyone yet."

"Okay... So what's your problem?"

"Do you think he really wants it, I mean it was just yesterday he was still with Gaby, being all happy and coupley."

"I don't know Joe. I really don't. But I'm pretty certain that Caspar wouldn't want to hurt you again would he? He knows how you feel, he wouldn't play your feelings."


"Of course!"

"It's just... I get the feeling... That he's doing it to make me happy?"

"Joe you know i don't have the answer for that mate... If you really do want to know, you're going to have to ask Caspar about it yourself. He'll understand Joe."

"What if he just screams at me? What if we just have a replay of yesterday? I couldn't deal with that Oli."

"Joe." Oli was talking sternly now, something i'd rarely seen him do, "Speak to Caspar."

"But-" I start, but get cut off my Oli at the other end of the line.

"No excuses! I expect you two to be good when you come back, okay? That reminds me, when are you coming back?"

"I'm just packing up my stuff."

"So you'll be home by the end of today?"


"Good. You're coming to mine when you get back."

"Why-" I was cut of again.

"With Caspar! I want to see something."

"If you're talking about what i think you're talking about, we haven't done it yet, we just-"

"Woah Joe! No no no no no! I was most definitely not talking about that! I was talking about something completely different! My God!"

"Oh," I was uncomfortable now, "Oops."

"Right well... Just be as quick as you can yeah?"

"We'll try."

"Alright mate, i'll see you in a bit."

"Yep. See you later."


And he hung up.

I sighed deeply, contemplating everything. As i packed my small bag with the clothes that had made their way onto the floor in tiny heaps, i tried to listen in on the muffled conversation coming from downstairs. I couldn't hear anything, it was all just quiet murmurs.

I sighed again.

Was this the right thing to do?

A/N Sorry this was an extremely short chapter, I'm more focussed on my Drarry one atm? Of course i'll still be uploading chapters of this book, but my chapters on my Drarry fic are way longer, and take a lot of time to proof read.

Talking about my Drarry fic ;))))) I think i have 2 chapters up now? It would mean the world if you could go and check it out. You've really made a difference to me by reading this fic, i have like 850 reads whaaaattt!?!??! It's insane! Can we do the same thing to my Drarry fic? Its called:

Not What I Wanted - Drarry AU

Thanks guys !

Danni X

Haste In The Moment - Jaspar AUWhere stories live. Discover now