3. Explanations

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Joe's P.O.V

What have I done? I've told him. I've told the person I'm falling for, that i'm falling for them, who if I hadn't already mentioned, is my best mate. Great. He's going to think I'm some stalker now. A weirdo. He's not even gay.

"I'm going" I say, turning around, grabbing the nearest coat, which I think was Caspar's, and make my way to the front door.

"Going where?" Caspar asks me.

"I don't know! Away from here" I say, opening the door and shutting it behind me before I can listen to what Caspar is going to say. I leg it down the stairs and out our apartment block and into the streets. I don't actually know where I'm going. I might go to Oli's. He's good at helping me out in tricky situations, like Caspar. No. Shush Joe. 

I started walking to Oli's. I have no clue what I'm going to say to him though. I can't tell him. I cant risk having possibly the only person here for me, hating me, all because of me and my big mouth.

I make my way up the stairs in his apartment block, find his room, and walk straight in. I don't bother knocking when I go to Oli's. It's basically my second home anyway.

"Caspar?" Came Oli's voice from his room. Great. Even when he's not here he's still the main subject. Why is everything about him, when all i want to do is forget about him?

"No it's Joe" I say, walking into his room. He's sat on his bed with his laptop, presumably editing a video, or looking up some weird stuff like he usually does. Weird man.

"Oh hey, you alright mate? You never normally come here at this time, not unless I tell you too anyway" he says, closing his computer and looking straight up to me.

"Yeah, erm I just needed to get away for a bit" I answer honestly, sitting on the edge of his bed, like a friend who was at his mates house for the first time.

"Why? You and Caspar had a fall out?" He asks. He can see straight through me I swear.

"You could say that" I nod.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll be able to work it out. I mean, your Jaspar! You're literally the bestest of mates!" Oli says, clapping me on my back.

"I'm not so sure" I murmur. I see Oli's face drop.

"Well, I know you Joseph Sugg. I know you're not one to talk about things, so I won't push you, so what I'm going to say is maybe, if it's as bad as you say, go away for a bit, ask Zoë or your dad if you can stay up with them for a bit whilst it calms down" Oli tells me calmingly.

That is a good idea. I'll ask Zoë if I can stay with her tonight. I can't face going back to Caspar tonight.

"Cheers Oli. Don't tell Caspar about this, please. I don't want him to know where i am. I'll ask Zoë if I can stay with her, for a few days" I say, standing up.

"I won't mate, remember though, it'll all work out in the end" he says, grabbing his computer again. I just nod at him in a thanking way, and make my way out of his apartment.

Once outside, I get my phone out of my jeans pocket and immediately call my sister.

"Hey broseph" came the sweet chirpy voice on the end of the line, as soon as the phone was picked up.

"Hey Zo, I was wondering if I could stay at yours tonight?" I say, getting straight to the point.

"Its a bit short notice isn't it Joe? Whats wrong?" She asks, I can tell she's concerned.

"I will explain later. Can I or can I not?" I reply. I have to tell my sister. Even though she can be a little brat at times, I know that if I'm not too good, she won't judge me. Not exactly looking forward to it though, i'll be honest.

"Of course, you know you can. Is it something to do with Caspar?" She asks.

"Zoë be patient! I'll tell you when I'm at yours" I say, laughing at her nosiness.

"Okay, see you later Bro, love ya" she says. A sound of her blowing a kiss down the phone, reaching my ear, making me chuckle.

"You too, bye" I say, hanging up the phone.

Now to get my things from my flat without Caspar knowing. I haven't thought this through. Great.

Haste In The Moment - Jaspar AUWhere stories live. Discover now