Chapter 30

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*disclamer I may end the book here. If I don't add a series it a cause nobody reads my book so... Why not end it. If nobody likes it. So this is my last chapter.*

I pick up the last book in my now empty room. My walls echo as my feet make a tapping noise as I exit my now empty room.

I walk downstairs managing not to fall. I gotta say was a great achievement.

As I walk outside I see Jacob riding his light blue rib stick. (if you don't know what that is its a type of skateboard that has 2 wheels.)

"Hey Ashley" he waves to me.

I wave back flashing a fake smile.

"Hey Jacob" I mange to say.

"Where ware you moving to" he asks picking up his rib stick and holding it by the bar in the middle.

"Arizona" I simply say.

He gasps"no"

I turn around "what do you mean no"

"I mean I am not letting you go. Look we may have dated to a while. Which was the best months of my life. My family may not have accepted you. But i promised my self i wouldn't give up. When i saw you with hunter i couldnt hold back my anger. Now you are moving to where he lives just to see him more. I am not breaking my promise just because some f*ckboy wants to mess with your heart *ATTENTION⚠‼️hunter isn't a fuck boi ~ A/N*
I won't allow it. I love you Ashley and I promise you I will always love you"

As he finished the last sentence a tear rolled down his rosy checks. That one promise changed my whole point of view.

"Its time to go" my mom said walking out of the house.

"I got to go"

Hello. If you read the beginning yes. I may not continue the series. But but now you understand why the book is called the promise. But yeah. Well hoped you enjoyed the last chapter. ~ A/N

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