Chapter 16//// The party And The Kiss

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Ashely's POV
"Today was my wedding day if you haven't noticed." I said gloomy. "Ohh but why are you all broken hearted. Today should be about you" the kind lady said. "An old friend came yesterday and ruined it all. By kissing me and bringing back feelings I used to have for him." I said putting my spoon into my chocolate ice cream and stuffing my face. "Ohh I see. And I am guessing you love him to". The lady was right. I do still love him. I nodded slowly to indicate that I did. "Then what are you doing here with a stranger that could be a serial killer for all you know?!" The lady said encouraging me. "I rather die then admit my feelings for him." I said breaking down again. "Look tomorrow you are gonna March up to the person you love and you are gonna tell him". I nodded

"In the meantime lets play the question game " I nodded once more. "What's your name" I asked
" my name is Annabelle but my friends call me Ann"(picture of Ann. vvvv)

"How old are you Ann??" "Uhhhh

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"How old are you Ann??"
"Uhhhh. I am 22. I study in the collage here nearby."
"I am 23 and I also study there "
My phone buzzed all time and day so I decided to turn it off.

A few hours later.....

Me and Ann got to know each other better. So we both decided on one question then we end the game.
"who were you gonna marry?" She asks creeping closer
"Dylan O'brien" I say hiding my face
"Omg the Dylan O'brien. From teenwolf". She asks excited. She noticed I was on the verge of breaking into tears again so she stopped. I decided to turn on my phone. When I turn it on. Thousands of texts flood my phone. From my mom,dad, all my friends, and most of them were from Dylan and Jacob. "I can't open them Ann can you" she nodded and opened one accidentally clicking on the calling button for Dylan. He quickly answered and was crying. "How could you Ashely I loved you for 10 years. I was gonna love you forever but Jacob had to ruin it" the phone was on speaker so I could hear everything. Ann did the worlds most wonderful thing ever. " will you shut up.... She is taking this hard to how do you think she feels. She was on I do away from her happy ever after. She wanted to marry you. She loves you. But her mind is messed up right now. " she then ended the call before he could respond. "Well I guess Jacob is next" I say sighing. I click the calling button. "I can't believe you CHOSSE me.... After that huge speech of how you USED to love Me and how you now love Dylan. You RUN OUT of your own wedding?!!!!" I could head frustration. Ann does the same thing and says to the phone "look who ever you are who says she CHOSSE you maybe she just wasn't ready to CHOSSE. Maybe she was confused especially after you kissed her one day belfry the wedding. If it wasn't for her roommate I wonder what could've happened. What you would've caused. This is your fault Jacob Sartorius it always has been" when Ann said the last words. I broke into tears. "I can't go back to that collage. Where I have to see him everyday."look just ignore him it can't be that hard". I laughed" not that hard he sits next to Me" this whole night has been a disaster. I had finished 5 tissue boxes. "Let's put on some music" Ann said standing up and fought to get my MP3 Player. Twenty one pilots blasted through some speakers. "WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY" I screamed at the top of my lungs because the music was to loud. Ann nodded and took out her phone and sent a text to all her contacts. "Party at (random street) 😝😝😝". I did he same.

Soon enough there was so much people we had to move the party to Ann's big house. She had a pool so many were jumping in. We put in glow sticks inside the pool so it would light up. People jumping from her roof into the pools water. In the corner I saw Dylan walking towards me. I was intoxicated so I couldn't walk much. I tripped over on Dylan and he catches me. I land on top of him. Since I was drunk I give him a drunk kiss. He quickly pulls away.

"You walked out on our wedding, and now you are kissing me?!?? Wtf". He wiped away the kiss. I move along and keep stumbling and walking holding a red cup in my hand. A tear rolling down my face. I saw Ann drinking while talking with a boy. "Hey Ann I am gonna head to sleep tomorrow I have a huge test in class tomorrow" I said walking up her stairs and going into one of her rooms.

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