Spinning Wheel

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My eyes are weary and bleak. Rubbing the sleep out of them once more, I stare at the crimson sky filtering in through my window. The premature sun peeked through the horizon and danced brightly across the newly lit sky. I watched the sunrise make its way to full daytime and groaned in despair. Another sleepless night and another lost piece of hope. The sunrise dipped through the window and I rolled out of my bed, feet hitting the soft carpet beneath. Staggering to the bathroom, I flipped the switch and brought my head up to take a good stare at my reflection. Harsh circles encompassed my eyes. My  face was still dully painful. The pain was detrimental and I couldn't care less. Bruises sprouted across my canvas and several cuts were visible, but could be covered with clothes. Grabbing an old pair of jeans and a worn out t shirt, I slipped into my disguise. Brushing hair away from my face, the circles seem deeper against my cool, pale, porcelain flesh. My life had become a spinning wheel...turning, turning, turning round and round. Responses were forced and smiles were painful. The wheel kept moving, as did I in my journey of fighting whatever had brought me down.

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