The Bad Boy is My Enemy

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It was the last day of school until we got a week off, so of course, I had decided to make a little more of an effort in my appearance than I usually would care to.

I had worn my favorite black pair of ripped knee skinny jeans with my favorite Elodie chiffon, slightly over sized sweater. I had straightened my hair and added mascara. My day was going great. That is until Alex Parker crossed my path anyway.

I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't deserve to have my favorite sweater ruined, but I got it anyway. Thanks a freaking lot Alex Parker.

So here I am, stood in the center of the school main hallway, my best friend Casey,  arms crossed beside me as we both gave death glares to the arrogant imbecile standing before us, A now empty cup in his hand as he rather badly pretends to look sympathetic while his friends gave sly sniggers from behind him.

"Jerk" I spat, trying my hardest to contain my anger.

He wants to get a rise out of you Max. Don't give him the satisfaction! 

Obviously, he did this on purpose. Little mishaps occurred often between the two of us. For instance, Alex 'accidentally' knocking my books out of my hands or 'accidentally' tripping me over so I had no other choice but to give the floor a big hug.

Think that's annoying? wait until he pulls out the big guns. This isn't even half of it. Nope, Alex Parker is much more aggravating than this. Which is why I simply cannot stand him.

"I'm so sorry cupcake." Ah, the nickname. Alex Parker calls me many, many names, but 'Cupcake' is his favorite. Why? Because I hate it and he knows it. "I really am" He said, his fail attempt at sympathy soon curled into his trademark smirk that every other girl in the school swooned over. Not me.

"Sure you are." His smirk grew bigger when I rolled my eyes. How stupid does he think I am?

I looked down to examine just how bad the stain covering my sweater was and if it could be savable; at this point, it was hard to tell.

"Seriously. I'm sorry - Grayson bought me that drink. What a waste of money!" Humour was evident in his voice while he turned to his small group of friends with a highly amused look on his face.

I wanted to punch him in that face.

I scowled and narrowed my eyes at the four of them...the things I would do to never have to see them again.

"Jerk" The insult once again slipped from my lips and I instantly felt stupid for repeating my last abusive word. I gave him my coldest glare which only seemed to amuse him more.


"Ass wipe!"

"Uptight." He grinned, loving the wordy ping pong battle we have gotten ourselves into.

Damn, it was too easy to be sucked into his games. I let out a big huff and watched as his friends corrupted into fits of laughter.

"Alex Parker to the principles office immediately!" Our principles voice boomed through the speakers around the school.

Of course he was in trouble. Again. He needed to watch it or else he would be expelled pretty soon. Then again, would that be a bad thing?

"Sorry cupcake, Gotta run." He shot me a wink and swiftly turned to head down the hall with his friends in the direction of the principles office.

"I hate him so much." I whispered, only loud enough for Casey to hear me who in response sighed and shook her head.


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