The Bad Boy Is My Enemy (3)

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The next day, I found myself back at Alex Parker's house, waking to the sunlight coming through the blinds.

Did I really do something illegal last night?!

It was okay, don't sweat it, people do stuff like that all the time, there was no traces you were even there.

I made my way down the stairs quietly when I heard the voices of Alex and his mother. Rubbing the tired from my eyes, I peeped my head around the corner of the door to see them sat at the table.

"You're being nice to her right Alex?" Elaine  asked with a worried tone. His mother always worried about our attitudes toward each other , she just wanted us to get along.

"Yes mum!" He groaned loudly. "But after her time spent her is over, do not expect me to be talking to her daily. She's annoying okay." He told her, however, his voice was softer than it would have been if talking to anyone else. He always had a soft spot for his mother.

"If you just gave her a chance-"

"I have! My whole life...we just don't get along. End of story." Alex stood up and placed his dishes in the sink.


"Look what the cat dragged in...finally awake I see." I'd been in the kitchen alone with him for under five seconds and he was already insulting me.

"Alex. I'd say it's a good morning, but seeing your face ruined it." I sniped back. I was always awful at comebacks.

"Lame!" he smirked earning a scowl from me. I ignored him and hunted for breakfast.

The sound of a common iPhone ringtone erupted and being the stupid person I am, I jumped. Alex answered the phone.

"Yeah man, I'm ready."

"What? No way. Not gonna happen."

A few moments go by of which the person on the other end of the line - which I sadly could not hear - answered.

"Fine. " Alex groaned and removed the phone slightly from his ear. He looked at me for a long silent moment, no smile . Nothing .

"Max, would you like to come watch the lacrosse game I am playing today...?" I pondered on the question for a while.

Why would I want to go see Alex's game? Who was he talking too? Elaine?

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.

Alex sighed and placed the phone back to his ear.

"She doesn't want too." He told them bluntly. A few seconds later he handed me his phone.

"He wants to talk to you." Confused, I took the phone, wondering who it was and why they wanted me.


"Maxy! Good to hear you're still alive. I'm surprised Alex hasn't killed you yet...or you haven't killed him." The voice that came down the line immediately triggered a smile.

I honestly thought Grayson was much nicer than Alex. Why he followed Alex around I had no idea.

Ever since yesterday Grayson and I kind of just clicked. I knew now Grayson wasn't actually an ass like he was made out to be by Alex's side.

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