The Bad Boy Is My Enemy (7)

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**spoilers of Ahs Murder house in this chapter!**

"Then what is it?"

"Nothing..." He told me then added in a completely different tone "I just can't believe you actually found that guy attractive."

I waited only a small moment before cracking my face into a smirk and arching my right eyebrow "so you're jealous."

"Shut up."

"Don't worry I'm sure he won't steal your spotlight for long, pretty boy." I laughed and grabbed his arm, dragging him back to join the others who were filing out of the door and toward the car.


"thanks for driving us!" I yelled while following Alex up the few steps to his house as Grayson drove off.

Alex fiddled with the house key in the dark and I waited patiently as he groaned because the lock was stiff. All the lights were out except the kitchen light, it was only ten PM so Elaine and Thomas were probably still awake.

We finally stumbled through the door and snapped out of our laughter when a huge bang erupted and followed by what could only be thought of as a strangled scream.

My heart rate quickened as Alex and I were momentarily frozen in shock. He snapped out of it first, turning sharply on his heals and running into the kitchen.

"What're you doing?!" Alex screamed, anger and shock evident in his voice. I followed behind him, rushing so quickly I almost slammed into his perfectly sculpted back which you could see clearly through his tight shirt - not the time. Right.

I peered around him and my heart ached when I spotted Elaine on the floor, a hand covering her left cheek that was swelling and red. Tears in her eyes were clearly threatening to spill and I wanted to rush over to comfort her, yet something stopped me.

My eyes flickered to only feet away from her where Thomas Parker stood, his jaw clenched and his fists balled. Oh my god.

"No. Uh nothing. Go upstairs sweetie - both of you." Elaine forced out as she scrambled to her feet. In seconds, Alex was beside her trying to help her stand.

"You did this!" He suddenly yelled and was storming toward his dad, squaring up.

"Listen to your mother." Thomas spoke through his teeth and I could feel myself boiling with anger, I could only imagine what Alex was feeling.

How dare he? How dare Thomas Parker hit his wife? No matter the situation violence was never okay.

My heart broke for the beautiful, strong woman stood now before us, who kept her head high in front of her son.

And my heart broke for Alex Parker, who had more emotion in his features now than I had ever seen before as he witnessed the woman he adored so much belittled by the man who was supposed to care for her until death do us part.

"How dare you?!" Alex yelled, bringing his fist back in the air. I grabbed it with both of my hands, putting myself between the two of them. I only realised now how small I was compared to him and how scary exactly he could be.

"Not now." I whispered and I noticed Elaine thank me with a reassuring smile. Alex glared at me and dropped his fist, grabbing my hand tightly in his.

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