The Bad Boy Is My Enemy (14)

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Aye another recap of the previous chapter

We stare for a moment at each other, daring the other to strike first. Alex waits a second to long and I can't help pushing down on the nozzles , spraying his clothes with the paint as he launches the next paint bomb at my chest. He's soon only inches away, prying the can out of my hand as we both run out of ammunition and burst into fits of laughter. I feel like I look like a dying walrus, but I didn't care. I gasped in between  the laughs and Alex did the same, I look up to him, seeing him look so beautiful yet so messy and then, before I gave myself time to think, I closed the distance between us and pressed my lips to his.


Alex's eyes widen in surprise when our lips collide, but after a short moment, they calmly close and to my relief, he doesn't reject the kiss. It's sweet and not too passionate. His soft lips taste of cherries with a hint of smoke, which oddly enough I didn't mind.

I'm suddenly aware of voices approaching quickly and the kiss ends short just as our friends appear around the corner. It seems our kiss was unspotted. I great the guys and give my mouth the lightest touch.

My eyes linger on Alex, who's caught off guard, slightly red in the face and rubbing at the back of his neck - something he often does when nervous.

"Dude Foreman is going to freak!" Kyle claps his hands together laughing, obviously happy with our prank.

Alex and I just grin, chuckling and making slight conversation with the others. Is this the first time I've ever seen the cocky-know-it-all-jerk lost for words?

The boys seem to only just then take in our appearance. Grayson crossed his arms, examining us then shaking his head. "No I Think you're good. I don't think he will suspect the two of you at all" the sarcasm rolls of his tongue confidently in which Alex and I both roll our eyes at.

"We're going to ditch the last lessons I think...we need to clean up" Alex grins

"Oh you don't say" It was Jace who answered, clicking his tongue and sighing.

"Are you mad we did a better job than you would've done?" Alex uses his baby voice, mocking Jace who chuckles and swats at Alex.

"I'm not ditching my last classes" I say. "No I have grades to maintain"

Alex turns to me, seemingly recovered for the events of which occurred moments ago "So what? You'll walk in covered in paint and hope they don't suspect a thing?"

"I-" I sigh and narrow my eyes "I hate it when your right"

"I'm always right"

"shut up, Parker"


As always, obnoxious jerk Alex doesn't  believe in ladies first, resulting in him showering first. What a gentleman.

After showering, we have an hour before school would usually end so I decide it is time I probably do some homework, starting with my English assignment. I'm only half way through when Casey calls wondering where the hell I was today.

"I didn't feel good" I lie and pray to god she doesn't catch on; I'm a terrible liar. I feel awful lying to my best friend, but telling Casey would risk the chance of Alex and I getting caught, not that I think she'd blab.

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