The Bad Boy Is My Enemy (6)

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"I've never been to a circus before!" My eyes were wide with excitement as Alex smirked and brushed a wave of hair from his forehead backward.

"Well dufus, you're in luck!" I scoffed quietly before returning to my excited phase.

"The lads are going because Jace is dragging them there who is being dragged there by Tara so we're going too." He swiftly turned on his heals before I could say anything else and headed up the stairs.

I felt bad that I didn't remember anything about Tara other than her name and what she looked like, but then again, she probably felt the same about me. We were both pretty drunk.

I headed up the stairs in hopes of catching Casey on the phone for a little while to gossip since we hadn't spoken in a few days.

After closing my bedroom door, I slung myself stomach down onto my bed, grabbing at my phone and punching in Casey's number. She answered after only two rings.

"Nashville's Sperm Bank, you squeeze it, we freeze it. How may I help you?" and with that I burst into fits of laughter which I was soon accompanied too by the joker herself.

"That was a new one. Great by the way." I told her, just managing to settle my laughter.

"Where have you been?! I've been wondering when you'd call me back!"

"I know I'm sorry Case. I've been busy. Any goss-" and then I was rudely interrupted.

" hey weasel, get ready..and take a shower. You smell pretty bad." Alex teased me in my door way.

"I took a shower this morning! Get out dog breath!" I threw a pillow at him and he laughed loudly, slamming the door as the pillow hit it.

"Sorry about that Case." I sighed.

"Was that...Alex Parker?" Casey squealed and my eyes automatically rolled.


"Unfortunately?! Max you don't know how lucky you are. So many girls would kill to be you right now."

"They can have my spot at the Parker residence for all I care. Casey he's a self absorbed Asswipe!" I exclaimed and in return earned a gasp of shock from the other end of the line.

Usually Casey would be all up for making fun and insulting people with me, with the exception of Alex Parker, his group of bad boys and of course their huge egos. Sigh.

"Whatever, you just don't see his good looks and charms and....point is all the bad boys are like Gods, especially Alex Parker." oh I saw his good looks and I definitely knew his charm. Too bad his awful personality ruined it.

"It's hard to imagine Alex Parker as a God when I've seen him running around naked eating a banana..." I said this more like I was thinking out loud and I added "we were five but I still have nightmares." shuddering, I shook my head and I could just about imagine Casey drooling over the thought of the image I just put into her head, although she most likely isn't picturing him as a five year old.

"Whatever, anyway. The boys  and I are going to the circus. Talk later!" I clicked the end call button and threw my phone down onto the bed beside me.

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