The Bad Boy is My Enemy (10)

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*Max's party top above!*

Throwing my clothes onto a huge pile on my bed, I groaned.

"I won't allow you to wear jeans and a t-shirt Cupcake, you're going to look hot...none of your clothes are going to work." Alex huffed and shook his head, I gave him my best 'that hurt' look.

Only minutes ago we had gotten the text that Grayson's parents were away for the weekend, and Grayson being the typical bad boy he was, would be throwing a house party tonight. This would be the first party I had attended, not that I'd admit that to Alex. Although, I don't think I had to, he probably already knew.

Grayson was the party animal out of the group of bad boys. They were said to be the best and if you were invited, you had basically made it at West Vale high.

Unfortunately for me, I had never been invited before now, so I was left with the many unpopular kids that were looked down on. Casey and I never minded though. Despite her obsession with the boys, we'd make jokes of how we'd rather die than attend Grayson Ledger's idiotic parties. Now here I was, picking out my outfit to go to his party tonight. What had gotten into me?

"My clothes are fine." I folded my arms, pouting.

"No. We're going to Tara's, right now."


"We need something hot. Something that will make her look less of a prude." Alex told Tara and I rolled my eyes, keeping my 'I am not a prude!' Comment to myself.

Tara opened her wardrobe and flicked through her clothes quickly. She turned to us after a small moment with a few items of clothing in her hands. First, she held up an extremely short black skirt along with a burgundy belly top that looked rather nice. I pulled a disgusted face as I imagine myself in the short skirt and shook my head.

"Too skanky." Alex dismissed and earned a glare from Tara.

"Jace likes it." She remarked while tossing it to the side.

"Of course Jace likes it love, everything's on show." He smirked and she made a disgusted snort before moving onto the next piece she had chosen.

This one was a slim, tight, black, low cut dress that would come quarter way down my thigh. I looked at Alex for approval since I really had no idea how to dress at a party. Once again he shook his head and Tara tossed it to the side along with the first.

When she turned back from the wardrobe she has two items of clothing in her hand. In the left, a skinny pair of black leather trousers with a black belt and in the right hand, a black crop top that crossed over at the bottom. To me, it looked like something I wouldn't go near,but Alex seemed to have other ideas.

"Put that on." Alex grinned and Tara shared a similar one while I looked at the outfit and back to them nervously. What were they doing to you, Max?

I pointed to the door and shooed Alex. He groaned, but trailed to the door and waited in the hall.

"Trust me Max, you're going to look hot. That boy" She pointed to the door, meaning Alex "will be drooling all night long." She told me as I stripped off my current outfit.

"Oh please, he will probably be drunk perving on some average skank all nigh." I rolled my eyes and struggled to pull on the tight leather bottoms.

"You don't see it do you?" She looked at me amused and I began to feel rather confused.

"See what?" I jumped around and finally pulled up the bottoms.

"Oh my god!" she laughed. "Alex is-"

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