The Bad Boy Is My Enemy (5)

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{picture ^ is who I imagine Max Carrington as:)}

Things had been strange around here. Elaine was quiet and Thomas was hardly around. Alex knew something was up too, I could feel it .

I felt it when I walked in the room and he plastered a smirk on his face, but before he sees me, his face was set in a stone cold frown.

I understood more now; I understood that there was more to Alex Parker than meets the eye, however, he would always be the obnoxious jerk I'd come to know so well.

For instance, currently I was taking a shower. Why? Because when I woke up this morning I went downstairs for breakfast and was attacked with a whole bottle of ketchup...Darn you Alex Parker!

I sighed and wrapped the towel around me after hopping out of the shower. I hurried to my room, threw on some black skinny jeans along with a flannel and brushed through my hair, leaving it to dry itself.

After I had finished, I returned downstairs, giving Alex the deadliest evil eyes I could and earning a hushed snigger.

It had been three days since I'd last seen the boys and believe it or not, I missed them.

I missed West Vales bad boys?

What had gotten into me?

I was rather excited too see them again tonight at Jace's place. I learnt that they hang out their regularly, mostly because he had the biggest garden and his parents weren't home a lot I think; that and by the sounds of it, they didn't care much about what he got up to.


"Do you mind? You're taking up all the space!" I complained, shoving Alex further into the side door as he took up as much room as possible.

"No cupcake, I don't mind." He smirked confidently, shoving me back and I scoffed in return.

Whenever I was in the back with any of the other boys, they never shoved into me. No. Only Alex because he was an obnoxious jerk.

"You're so full of yourself." Rolling my eyes and folding my arms, I tried once more to shove him away.

"And you love it, princess." He scrunched his nose and talked as though he was talking to a child. He grabbed my cheeks pulling on them lightly until I swatted his hand away.

"Asswipe." I muttered.

"You my love, need to get better insults." He wasn't totally wrong, I was terrible at arguments, I could never think of what to say, so I wound up repeating an old insult.

I rolled my eyes , refusing to argue with him any longer . That was until I heard his next comment...

"You're flat chested." He glanced up at me from my chest smirking. He knew  it annoyed me when he made rude comments like that. This one, he'd been teasing me about for years.

"And you have a small wiener!" I snapped at him. I earned a chuckle from Kyle, who stopped instantly when I snapped my head in his direction, giving a death glare.

"Wiener?!" Alex mimicked my choice of words and burst out into a fit laughter.

This pushed me too my limit, I'd had it with him. I raised my hand in a balled up fist and slammed it with force into his crotch. He immediately groaned , doubling over and I heard Kyle groan too just from the sight of my actions. I smirked to myself, That should shut him up.

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