The Bad Boy Is My Enemy (11)

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I opened my eyes, groaning as the pounding against my temples struck. The dark room wasn't from the Parker household, but I could gather I passed out at Grayson's. Despite my banging headache, I forced myself off the bed.

I noticed I was not dressed not in my original party wear, but a baggy top that came to about mid-thigh and I found myself cursing god that I had to wear my oldest, most ugliest pants last night, as somebody had obviously seen them. Please let it have been Tara.

Reaching for the doorknob and head into the hall, I wandering the path until I found the stairs to the bottom floor. The living room was empty, but a low murmur of voices were audible from the kitchen, I realised everyone is here. I was aware last nights make up most likely looked horrendous along with my hair, but I couldn't care less.

As soon as I appeared in the doorway, the attention was on me.

"Finally!" Tara's voice held evident relief as she grinned and pulled me into a hug. I took my seat around the high table on the last swivel seat, keeping quiet as my head hurt too much.

"I don't even remember falling asleep last night." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and no doubt smudging the mascara even more.

Each of the boys gave each other a sly look before each bringing there cups to there mouths and taking a drink. Suspicious?

"You drank the punch, it was spiked. You passed out." Grayson told me and I was not sure if I should be annoyed or whatever, but I did know I couldn't be bothered to put any real emotion into my answer, so I  shrugged and nodded.

"Here." Tara handed me two small pills. "Tylenol." she told me.

"Tylenol?"I copied. What the hell is Tylenol? Some type of drug?

"Paracetamol Max. Just take the pills it'll help you feel better." Alex told me and I nodded in understanding before swallowing the pills.

I looked around, taking into account that the house was already tidy. Damn. How long had I been out?!

Grayson drove Alex and I home to freshen up and since it was the last day of the holidays, we were heading straight back out to make the most of it, meeting at Jace's house.

I threw on some shorts and a long ,mid-thigh, vintage, ripped top before pulling on a flannel and some black doc martens. I brushed my teeth and hair and redid my makeup.

At the bottom of the stairs was Alex wearing his famous smirk. He opened his mouth to no doubt make a sarcastic remark on my appearance.
I reached up and slapped my hand over his mouth, stopping him before he could start.

"Let me guess..." I touched my hair. "My hairs a mess?! outfit blows? Make up looks disgusting? Am I hitting it right?" I grinned at the fact I'd beaten him at his own game and lowered my hand from his mouth.

He looked taken aback for a brief moment I wouldn't have caught if I didn't know him well enough, but he quickly recovered, a fiercer smirk appearing than before.

"Actually, I was going to say you look nice. " He winked and flashed his perfectly straight, white teeth.

My mouth fell open then snapped back shut. "Yeah." I scoffed "nice try pretty boy, but I nailed it and you know it." I poked his chest and beamed a smile at him.

He placed a hand at his heart and gasped, smiling hopefully and putting on his most annoying squeaky girl voice he could. "You think I'm pretty?!" At this point I laughed and rolled my eyes as I reached for the door knob.

"Shut up, Dufus."

When we arrived at Jace's everyone was waiting on us, it was not our fault we had the longest to walk.

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