The bad boy is my enemy (4)

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BANG. I shot into a sit up position, my heart beating quickly at the sudden commotion. I checked the time, it read 1:30am.

What the hell was going on?

The noise came again and I realised it was the slamming of doors. Curiously, I crawled out of my bed and opened my door only a creek. I popped my head out of the door and listened. More of the loud noises erupted before sighing and Elaine's voice in a whisper yell.

"Will you stop?! You're going to wake the kids!"

I listened, but I couldn't hear much else. It was clear they were arguing. Excessive yelling came next, but I couldn't work out what they were saying, other than the occasional name, "Alex".

That's when I noticed him. Stood doing the exact same as me, although a little closer to the stair case as his door was closer. He shook his head and turned as soon as I noticed he was there, almost as on cue.

He stared at me, clearly tired with a down expression on his face, which soon smoothed out to almost emotionless. Almost. You don't fool me Alex Parker.

I thought of saying something to him. Maybe going to comfort him. He would probably hate that.

He hated me, so why would he want me around at that moment? I offered him a sympathetic smile, but he only stared for a few more seconds before closing his door on me.

I did the same, getting back into bed and facing the ceiling as the hushed arguing continued. Poor Alex.


When we got up that morning, Thomas Parker was of course, gone and Elaine was playing her usual happy role of the 'there's nothing going on, our family is in a perfect place' type of mum. I felt bad, if they were having problems, it was most likely not helping that I was staying. I was probably stressing out Alex even more than he needed.

Speaking of Alex, it was 11am and he hadn't yet shown his face. He got up before me, when I came down he was in the shower and since then he had not moved from his room.

Avoiding me? I didn't blame him. Maybe he was embarrassed that I had heard.

Elaine headed out to work and I decided it was probably time I saw my best friend, Casey Leigh. It felt like I hadn't seen her in ages. However, I didn't want to disturb Alex, so I scribbled down a note and left it on the kitchen counter. I grabbed my jacket and headed out to Casey's house, only a fifteen minute walk.

When I got in her drive I texted her.

"Hey can I come over?"

"Sure, I'm in."

"Good cause I'm in your driveway :p"

I didn't bother knocking, I just walked in, yelled that I was here and made my way to Casey's room.

When I entered, she was stood by her mirror, holding two skirts up and weighing out her options. When she saw me, she dropped them and ran to engulf me in a hug.

"What're you doing?" I watch her confused as she returned to the mirror and I plonked myself on her bed.

Since when did Casey wear nice skirts?

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