The Bad Boy Is My Enemy (17)

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It all happens so fast, I want it to end. Principle Foreman and various other teachers rush into the yard, confiscating phones that are seen to have video footage as they shove and break up the crowd. Foreman pulls at the back of Jace's shirt, who is currently pinning Alex down,  with a struggle of course, almost throwing him to the side. Jace stumbles, but quickly catches his balance, glaring at those still surrounding them while he takes in just how many people were watching. His white shirt is ruined and dirt marks his cheek bones and mangles his now messy blonde hair.

"Both of you, my office now!" Foreman is red in the faces, breathing heavily, so angry to the point he'd be typically described as to have steam coming from his nose and ears.

Oh boy, they've really done it this time. Oh god, please don't expel them, please don't expel them.

"What the hell was that about?!" I half yell at Jace, who makes his way toward me, at the front of the gang of watchers.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriends?Any one of them will do" he remarks, venom laced in his words as though this, his fight with his best friend was all my fault.

Jace makes his way past me, knocking into me with his broad shoulders, his leather jacket in hand. Never have I ever seen Jace act like this , especially to me. Jace has been nothing but kind to me since the day they found me hidden away at Alex Parker's house, sure they all laughed and joked about me, but they all came around. Even before, when Alex had them help him make my school life a living hell, he didn't act like this.

Alex's Pov:

"Disgraceful!" Foreman drones on. "Once again the two of you let the school down!" The redness of his face has barely gone down in the last ten minutes he's spent telling us what an outrage this was.

I stay slumped in my chair, my head resting in one hand with Jace in the corner of my view, his head tipped back over the chair, eyes closed and hands in lap. Asswipe.

Foreman sighs and retakes his seat at the other side of the desk, leaning forward so his hands are on the wooden table. "Do one of you care to tell me what this little fiasco was about?"

I stay silent. I knew it wasn't a good thing to do, but Ethan freaking O'Donnell gets my blood boiling.

Max is going to hate me...unless  she doesn't  find out.

When neither of us answer, Foreman purses his lips. "Well then, you're officially banned from the school lacrosse team this season" He runs a hand over his face in exhaustion.

"You can't be serious?!" Jace stands up, I follow his actions. In no right mind would Foreman ever stop us from playing lacrosse.

"NO WAY!" I exclaim. Foreman loves winning way too much to make us sit out a whole season.

"You pushed it to far boys, I don't want to have to expel you too, but I will if this continues" he threatens.

This isn't happening.

"You need us!" I yell. Yes he needs us. Not just me, not just Jace or the others, we work as a team. Sure we haven't played in a little while, but the start of the season is right around the corner!

"Sir come on! We" he motions between us. "Haven't missed even a practice is five years!"

"Well you'll have to miss a whole seasons worth now" he seems like he loves the power he has over us. I place my hands behind my head, taking in the news.

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