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Draco and Hermione sat together on a bench in the park. It was morning which was a little odd because they would always go to the park in the afternoon but now they were here even before sunrise.
It was because Hermione had asked him to watch the sun rising together.

Draco smiled at the thought of that moment. She had woken him up really softly and as soon as he sat up, she had asked him.

"Would you like to come with me to the park to watch the sunrise, Draco?

Draco still felt weird tickles in his stomach. She had called him Draco again!
The way she said his name just almost sent shivers down his spine.

Now they were sitting there in complete silence, as always.
At first, nothing happened, then the sky started to change colour. The colours were beautiful. Finally, the sun made his entree. The deep orange glow blended perfectly with the pink morning sky.
It was magical.

Draco heard Hermione sigh. He looked at her and saw her lips curl up a bit.

"Thank you Draco, for doing this for me."

"No problem at all 'Mione, it took us like ten minutes to come here. No big deal."

"You know that I don't mean the sunrise. I am just really thankful for what you did. I mean, who would completely sacrafice their own life to help someone else? Only a true friend would do that."

After that, it was quiet again for a while. Then, Draco couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore.

"Can I ask you a question Hermione?"

Draco noticed the hesitation in her eyes and quickly added: "you don't have to answer it if you don't want to."

That seemed to calm her down a bit and she nodded.
Draco took a deep breath.

"What happened to you?"

Hermoine looked down and remained silent.
Draco mentally slapped himself, of course she didn't want to talk about it!

"I'm sorry, Hermione... It was a stupid question. Forget about it."

Silence fell over them again. Ten minutes went by before they decided to go home.



What happened to Hermione?!
Next chapter you'll find out!

Thanks for reading so far, I'm so proud that we've hit over 200 reads!!!

Bye guys!!!

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