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Draco couldn't sleep that night. He was shocked. How could anyone be so cruel to rape Hermione!? That is like stabbing a puppy, or like hurting children! You don't do things like that.

He also thought about their conversation in the bathroom.
Was he going to leave Hermione? The thought of that only made him feel alone. He wanted to stay with her as long as possible. He felt comfortable when he was with her. He felt strong, like he could do anything he wanted.
And there was that warm feeling inside him when he saw her. And when she laughed... wow.

He jumped a bit when he heard a sound. It came from Hermione's room.
He got up from the couch and walked towards her.

He found Hermione, crying. He walked over to her and sat next to her. That is when he realized that she was still asleep.

She was crying in her sleep...

Draco decided to wake her up. He gently touched her shoulder and sofly said:"Hermione, wake up, you're having a bad dream."
Hermione opened her eyes and looked at Draco. "Draco, I had such an aweful dream. I was all alone and there were voices and hands and they tried to lure me and touch me. And it was dark and small, I couldn't run anywhere."
"It's okay Hermione, it was just a bad dream. Nobody will hurt you now."

Hermione closed her eyes again. Draco waited until he thought Hemione was asleep and stepped out of the bed. When he was two steps away from the bed when he heard het voice:"Draco, stay with me"

He went back in the bed and laid down on the side next to Hermione. He closed his eyes.

After a minute he felt something pressing lightly against his chest. He openened his eyes and saw that Hermione had fallen asleep and laid next to him with her head against his chest.

Only a few minutes after that, Draco fell asleep too. Smiling.

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