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Hermione's POV:

Hermione looked in the mirror. She watched tiny drops of water dribble down her body. Her hair wrapped in a towel.

She felt strange after her conversation with Draco and a lot of thoughts ran through her head.

How does Draco make her feel so comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. Relaxed enought to tell him secrets that no one knows about.
But when the secret is told she feels exposed. Like she is standing naked in front of him.

Those eyes. They look loyal and warm and... so full of love. Yes, Hermione thinks, that is the best way to describe it.
She would love to stare in his eyes forever. To be frozen by the ice color of his irises and then melted by the warmth they send out.

Hermione smiles slightly. She trusted him. He wouldn't hurt her like Ron did. He would protect her. Be there for her when needed. He would't leave her.

Or would he?

What if he couldn't take the situation anymore. Or what if he left because he didn't like her. Because she was too boring.
"Hermione, are you alright?!"

Hermione jumped a bit. How long had she been in the shower? Wow! Almost an hour!

"Yes.. I'm fine.." Hermione answered, almost whispering.

"Can I come in?"

Hermione looked down, she was completely naked. She searched for something to wear. Her eyes fell on a oversized t-shirt. She grabbed it and put it on.

"Come in.."

Draco stepped in carefully.



"Are you... well... are you going to leave me?"

The words came out of her mouth really soft, like a breath. Before she relized it, Hermione was crying, again. 
He wasn't allowed to leave her. She couldn't take that. He had to stay with her.

Hermione felt two strong arms around her waist pulling her towards Draco's chest. The smell of him and his touch calmed her down a little, but his words made her sigh in relief and relax her whole body.

"Of course I will not leave you 'Mione, I will stay here until you want me to leave.... I lo...."

And then again, there was silence.



360 reads!!!

That's amazing!!!

Thank you soo much!!

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