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They all sat at the kitchentable with four mugs of tea damping in front of them. Ginny and Harry on one side, Hermione and Draco on the other side.

Draco was the one that broke the silence. "Uhm.. well, I bet that you guys know why we are here." Harry and Ginny nodded but Hermione shook her head. "No, I don't know why, I have no clue."
Draco mentally slapped himself, he completely forgot that Hermione didn't know of the plan yet.
"Right, sorry 'Mione, basicly we're here to make a plan." Draco told her.

Hermione frowned, "a plan, what kind of plan?"

"A plan which shall hopefully finally put some sense into my brother's brain!" Ginny answered.

"Yeah because he is being a stupid git" Harry said.

"He doesn't even know what he is throwing away"
After he had said that, Draco couldn't help but look down, hoping that no one would see his bright red cheeks.

Hermione looked confused for a second, then the confusion turned into a small smile that kept growing.
"Thank you guys!! I was actually planning on getting revenge myself but this is way better! So, what's the plan?"

Draco felt a huge relief fall of his shoulders, he was really scared that Hermione wouldn't approve of taking revenge.

"Well, I was hoping that Draco was going to tell us now" Ginny said, "the only thing we know is that there is a plan to take revenge on Ron."

"That's why we're here now. I was hoping that you could help me with the set up of the plan because you are the closest to him." Draco said.

"I don't know, the only thing I know is that he is really affraid of spiders" Harry said.

Draco thought it over "scare him won't lead us anywhere, he needs to be taught a lesson"

"Maybe we could do something to his new girlfriend" Ginny suggested.

"GIRLFRIEND?!" Harry, Hermione and Draco yelled.

"That stupid Weasel has the guts to ruin our dinner by threatening you while he has another girlfriend!!" Draco said in anger.

"Well you can't actually call it a girlfriend, it is more a girl who is as dumb as a pig's ass and the only thing they do together is snogging and... other things..." Ginny told them, she was clearly disguisted by her brother.

"But that's not the only point", Ginny said, "you will not believe who it is."

"Well, tell us then!" Draco was really curious now.

"Pansy Parkinson"


I am sorryyyyyyyyyyyy, I was on holiday in france and there was absolutely no Wi-Fi there so I couldn't upload a new chapter but I am home again so from now on I can upload again.

Bye guys!!

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