What You Missed

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So here's what you missed in the book One More Night:

Rachel and Blaine were dating And Kurt was getting harassed by Karosky And Azmio. Blaine met Kurt and He kinda fallen for him, but Blaine wants to keep it a secret because he was scared to come out. Rachel and Blaine joined glee club and thought it was actually fun.

Rachel's cousin Prim started living with her and. Also went to McKinley. Prim knew Blaine when they were younger and she liked him. Prim wanted to expose Blaine's and Kurt's relationship but Santana wouldn't let her at first.

Blaine and Kurt were talking about their future and Blaine mentioned California, but said that he wouldn't go there, because he loved Kurt. They were going to go to New York.

Kurt, Blaine and Rachel's NYADA audition came up and they all got in even though Rachel choke. Blaine said He got a scholarship in California but was going. Yay.
Graudation came and Blaine won valedictorian and presented a wonderful heart held speech that was about him and Kurt.

Blaine was so excited about going to New York, but Kurt had other plans for him.They got drives off to the airport by Burt. Kurt told Blaine that he needs to go to California. Because it was his dream. Blaine and Kurt shared a sweet kiss before Blaine walked into the tunnel.

Blaine became a recording artist in the summer. Kurt did some stuff but mostly regretted letting his love go.

Kurt and Santana flew to California to see Blaine in concert. Kurt was in a somewhat disguise. Afterwards, they left to catch Their flight back to NYC.

Rachel and Finn are getting married. Blaine was coming and sleeping at their apartment. Santana was spending the night at Puck's hotel room. While, Blaine slept in Santana's room. When everyone left the apartment. Kurt and Blaine talked and discussed how they desperately needed each other.

They kissed and Blaine proposed suprisingly. Kurt said yes. Kurt was with the girls while Blaine was with the guys. Blaine was picking Kurt up from the salon when for him. Everything went black.


So. That's what you missed.

I May have forgotten some things.

Shine bright🌟

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now