Chapter 5

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"Has Blaine come out yet?" Finn asked his step brother. Kurt shook his head.


"It will be okay." Finn reassured him like everyone else. Kurt slowly nodded. "My mom, Burt and I are going out."

"Out where?"

"Eh. Shopping I guess." Finn shrugged. "Are you Okay with being here alone with Blaine?"

"I guess so. but why can't I go with you guys?" Kurt asked.

"Someone needs to look over Blaine." Finn simply said. "Text us if anything goes wrong." Kurt nodded and Finn went out the door where Carole and Burt were waiting.

Kurt stayed there in the house. He felt emptiness threw the house, but knew it wasn't all that empty.

Kurt sighed and went to the couch to watch TV, but fell asleep soon after.


The door creaked opened and a head poked out. Blaine fully opened the door and slowly made his way downstairs. He saw Kurt sleeping a slightly smiled.

Blaine sat in a chair next to the couch. I wasn't trying to be mean. He thought. He put his knees to his chest.

He saw Kurt's blue eyes flutter open. Kurt blinked w few times realizing Blaine was there He sat up.

"Hi."Blaine lightly said.


"I wish I can-" Blaine started But was cut off.

"I know. It wasn't your fault."

"But will you help me?"

"Of course. You just seemed like you hated me."

"I was scared and I still am." Blaine smiled slightly, his hazel eyes looking down.

"I get it." Kurt smiled at the boy.

"I-I know you mean no harm and I know what we were I'll probably remember." Blaine said. "And I guess your my best friend right?"

Kurt froze but then responded,"Yeah. Best friend."




Hey guys

So, I hoped you likes it!

Shine bright🌟

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now