Chapter 54

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Blaine woke up crashed out on the floor. He got up and looked around. The room was foreign to him.

What he noticed the most was his strong hangover and that He was half naked. Only his shirt was off.

Blaine didn't remember anything that happened last night. He started to panic. His head was throbbing.

Blaine saw his phone next to his shirt. He climbed over to where it laid on the floor and checked the time. 5:43.

"Hey." A guy came into his room.

"Who Are you?" Blaine asked, starting to panic a little.

"You see don't remember anything at all?"

"No. I didn't....." Blaine trailed off. He put his head on his forehead. "Please tell me-"

"We didn't go all the way. You kept saying some other dudes name. You told me every thing that happened."

"What's your name?"Blaine asked.

"James. Here." James handed hum Advil for his headache. "You can talk to me anytime. I pit my number in y out phone so just call."

Blaine smiled, "thanks." Blaine put his shirt on and said goodbye to James before leaving.

Blaine just realized.

He made out with someone else that's not Kurt.



"Go away Hobbit!" Kurt harshly said. Kurt was sat down on the couch. A blanket around him and the note his his left head.

"Listen to me. You should just-" Rachel tried but Kurt interupted her again.

"Shut it. I don't want a shitty lecture."

"But Kurt, you can't just sit there moping all day." Rachel said.

"I don't care!"


"Fuck off."

Rachel sighed and grabbed her scarf before going out the door.

Kurt pulled the blanket closer to him. A few tears escaped but he quickly wiped the away.

Blaine had been harsh about everything lately. He just didn't care anymore.

"Okay, lady Hummel this had gone to far. I'm the only one that gets to be harsh around here." Santana said, coming out of The bathroom.

"Hey Santen. Don't you have a pole to strip on or a life to ruin but mine." Kurt said, no emotion on hid face.

Santana wanted to say something but decided not to. What ever was going to come out of her mouth would ruin him. She just stomped out of the apartment leaving the porcelain boy behind.


Its me

I was wondering if after all-

Naw just kidding

But I Hoped you liked it !!

Shine bright✨🌟

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now