Character Q and A!

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I'm glad to be here.

Question: Why are you such an ass?

I just know what I want And what I want is Blaine. He's  sex on a stick and sings like a dream. One day he will be mine. Maybe even next chapter.


Why are you so lovely?

I'm just being Finn 😏


What happened to You and Blaine to make you stop talking to each other?

It's a long story so bare with me. When we were born (I'm the oldest by two minutes heh heh) my dad or biological Dad aka Blaine's Dad gave me away and just wanted Sons because he thought Blaine  would 'supposedly be straight.' Well he was wrong.

Some people wanted to adopt me a few days later as of course a newborn. I was really happy. Every night my 'mom' would read me a story tell me a story and it was about how there were two twins that got separated at birth and was going to be reunited soon enough. Why when I turn 15 my mom explained that how that go in the store with me and that I had twin.

She said I couldn't meet him and that was the end of that. When I was 16 my biological mom showed up and we just talked about how you know life is and how Blaine is.

Afterwards she said I still couldn't meet him so I just give up. That's until Kurt showed up.

How does it feel to be reunited with Blaine?

It's honestly amazing and I couldn't be happier than I am now and the day I saw Blaine.


Why are you partly lying to Kurt?

I honestly just feel like a jerk that doesn't deserve Kurt.

Why are you so lovely?

I'm truly not the one that's lovely. You're the one that's lovely.

Favorite thing about Kurt?

I love how he's always honest with me. Also how he is willing to do anything for the ones he loves.

Why are you so afraid to tell Kurt? He is your soul mate, even if he's mad he'll forgive you.

I just feel like I just don't deserve Kurt anymore. I've put him through so much pain. Since I lost my memory. I don't know what to do.


Do you think Blaine just only wanted to tell you I love you or do you think it was some thing much bigger than that?

Well, it seemed a bit odd at first. Not the 'I love you' but the fact that he was being weird about it and it's like He had to think about it.

How does it feel to be reunited with Blaine?

I know I did the right thing. I just love him so much and it was killing me not to see him.

Favourite thing about Blaine?

Besides his hotness? Okay, I love how hopelessly romantic he is.

Why are you lovely?

I get it from my mom 😌 She was so amazing and lovely.







I'll be a big star one day on BroadWay. And you all will ask for autographs. hmph


Thank you guys for answering the questions!

Sorry it's late though

Shine bright🌟✨

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now