Chapter 15

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Blaine walked down the halls at McKinley earning some stares. People started to whisper but he didn't care.

"Blaine! Blaine!" a girl called down the hall. He ignored her too and continued walking. He saw Kurt and his locker. He smiled and walked over to the taller boy.

"Hey,"Blaine greeted. Kurt smiled.


"I think I have to formerly ask you." Blaine smiled.

"Formerly ask what?" Kurt asked, curiosity in his eyes.

"Hey Everyone!" Blaine screamed and everyone turned to face Blaine."Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, will you be my out a proud boyfriend?"

Everyone gasped. "I... Yes!" Kurt hugged Blaine and pecked him on the lips."Yes."

Blaine shot up from his nap. He sat straight on the blue couch he was on. He looked around to see that he was in the living room.

"Are you okay?" Kurt's voice appeared from the chair by the couch. "I wasn't watching you sleep. I promise."

"Good to uh know." Blaine nodded, rubbing his eyes. "I know now."

"Know what?"

"I know what we were. I remembered that we were in a hallway with students and I screamed if you would be My boyfriend..."Blaine said looking down. "You said yes. Were we boyfriends before the accident?"

"You could say that." Kurt mumbled playing with his hands. "Its complicated."

"How complicated can it be?" Blaine asked looking up.

"It just is."Kurt simply shrugged as He continued to play with his hands.

"This is to much for me to handle." Blaine whispered. S tear rolling down his tan cheek.

Kurt nodded, "Why does this always happen to me?"

"Why does it always happen to you?"

"Its complicated Blaine." Kurt shrugged. "Its just....never mind. See you in the morning." Kurt gave a small smile before heading upstairs To his bedroom.

Blaine sat there. He watched the rain come down outside of the window.

"I love you." Blaine whispered as he got up and slowly walked to his room.


I'm sorry it's short.

Please don't be mad at meh

I hoped you liked it though!

Shine bright🌟

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now