Chapter 19

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"You and Blaine are together.."

"Yeah." Kurt nodded. "Rachel you Just don't understand."

"Understand what?"

"That Blaine and I were ment to be. That were soulmates. I love him so much that it hurts Rachel."

"Do you want to know how I knew that you to were sneaking around in high school?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah sure." Kurt nodded.

"I just-I had a feeling.I remember seeing you as the vulnerable, scared type that flinched every time a locker closed or the ignorant jocks-not including pur friends-approached you.

I payed closed attention to you because I knew that you were up to something. I mean Blaine wouldn't be that type of person to cheat. I also had a feeling that he was as straight as a-"

"Rainbow." Kurt smirked cutting off Rachel. Rachel laughed lightly.

"Yeah. You could say that. Anyway, I just knew by the looks he was giving you. He'd give you the look of love, compassion and hope. I knew you would be the one for him. You two are adorable like I can't get over it." Rachel grinned.

"Aw. We love you too Rach." Kurt gave his best friend a hug.

"Where is Blaine anyway?" Rachel asked.

"Oh, He wanted to go to the store alone." Kurt saix, taking a bite of his muffin.

"Ah. I see." Rachel nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. Just then Finn came into the room.

"Hey guys." Finn greeted taking a seat next to his still fiancé.

"Hey." Kurt greeted back. "So, when are you two going to get married."

"We thought when Blaine gets his memory back." Finn said.

"Yeah." Rachel nodded kissing Finn's cheek. "You know-"

"Yeah." Kurt nodded understanding. "I get it. Your willing to wait that long."

"As long as it takes." Rachel smiled.

"Rachel your so nice." Kurt laughed slightly.


Blaine clutched his black jacket tighter against his body. He entered the shopping mart and went straight to the aisle.

He looked around and picked one of the products out. They were red and yellow flowers. They both stood for love and friendship. Then he picked a single yellow flower that represented his passion for Kurt.

He went over to the chocolate aisle and picked a box of chocolates out. Then went to check it all out at the front.

"Someone special huh?" The clerk asked scanning the items and putting them In bags.

"Yeah." Blaine nodded as the clerk handed h in his bag. Blaine handed him the money and walked out the store.

Blained started heading the way to Kurt's house.

Blaine all of a sudden felt a bigger body bump into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry." They guy said. Helping Blaine up. "Blaine? Is that really you?"

"Huh. Justin."


Hey guys

I hoped you remember who Justin is....

It was a flashback from back at Sadie Hawkins

I love you guys 💙

Shine bright🌟

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now