Chapter 23

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"You disgust me!"Nick screamed kicking Blaine in the shin. "I can help you get better."

Blaine couldn't help it. Tears pricked his eyes and they started rushing down. "I-I'm g-glad t-to be d-d-different." Blaine choked out.

"No your not. Your a disgusting disappointment." Nick spat.

Blaine had the strength to get up. He fell getting his keys off the counter. "You k-know what." Blaine sniffed having the strength to walk. "Your no-not my faimly." Blaine struggled walking to the door.

"You walk out and your no longer welcomed." Nick said, anger in his eyes.

"I hate you anyway." Blaine spat back at his dad before walking out the door. Blaine got in his car and drove out of the driveway on the road. The only sound was his sobbing.

Blaine grabbed his found and dialed a number.

"Hello Blainey days." Kurt said through the phone.

"Kurt."Blaine continued to cry. "Kur-"

"Why are you crying?" Kurt asked clearly concerned.

"My dad kick-kicked me o-out." Bla in said through sobbs.

"Where are you now?"

"Driving to yo-your house." Blaine answered trying to control his violent sobbs.

"Are calling while driving. That's dangerous! I'll see you when you get here okay?"

"O-" Crash.




Beep beep beep

"This isn't funny!"

Call disconnected.

Blaine's head against the steering weel. Lifeless. Not moving. It's not until Blaine heard the sirens.

He could hear and feel everything. But He was lifeless. Couldn't move. Couldn't open his eyes.

He started to hear shuffling noises and then the car door was opened.

"Is he dead?" A voice asked-probably a man in his thirties-

Blaine felt the cool touch of rubber touch his pulse. "He still alive. How long will it take to get him to the hospital?" a girl asked-who sounds in their twenties-

"Fifteen Minutes." the guys said.

"We'll be there in ten." The girl said before Blaine felt a jolt and then moving. A door shut and the vehicle sped.

"Hang in there. Call someone on his phone."

Blaine woke up again sobbing. His t-shirt soaked with tears. Kurt shot up out of bed and looked at the raven haired boy.

"What happened?" Kurt asked in a panicked voice. "Another memory dream?"

"I-I w-was-s l-l-lifeles-s."Blaine choked out. "Blood. Car. Phone you."

"What happened?"

"I was-as Dr-r-ivi-ing an-nd I- my dad." Blaine once again choked out letting out a sob.

Kurt kissed Blaine's lips and took his hand.

"Nothing will over happen to you. I'm not letting you go ever again." Kurt smiled and Blaine embrance him in a hug.

"Thank you Kurtie."Blaine smiled.

"Ugh not again."


Hey guys.

Proud of me :) okay.....

Shine bright 🌟✨

Qotd:favorite move/movie series.

My Answer: *cough* Harry Potter...

Heh heh

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now