Chapter 10

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Blaine continued to run down the hallway. He stopped and slid down the lcokers, tears still flowing down his face.

"Blaine!" Kurt called out running down the hallway. Once he reached him he sat besides him. "What's wrong."

Blaine put his knees to his chest and wiped a few tears that we're rushing down. "I-You-I had a memory of-" Blaine took a few breaths in before continuing. "We were at the uh airport. I-I was following you. Then you-I didn't go to were you were going.

I was c-crying and you too. Then we said our I love yous and I was gone." Blaine finished his eyes red due to crying.


"What happened. What were we?" Blaine asked looking at Kurt. Kurt sighed.

"I can't tell you. Nurse Noel said that you'll have to remember it."Kurt said. "You will."

"Can we go home." Blaine asked wiping more tears that brimmed his hazel eyes. Kurt nodded.

"Yeah, I'll just text the Rachel." Kurt gave a sad smile. Kurt for up and helped Blaine up at well.

They went to Kurt's navigator and drove to the Hudson-Hummels


Blaine walked in a went straight to the room he was staying in, locking the door behind him.

"Kurt, what happened?" Burt asked his son as Kurt sat down on the couch.

"We-He remember what hapoened when I set him free." Kurt wiped the tears forming. "He'll hate me when He knows the truth behind it."

"He can never hate you Kurt." Burt told his son. "He loves you. Even if he has amnesia he will always love you."

Kurt smiled sadly. "Thanks dad. I love you."

"I live you too. Now go to bed. Its getting late."

Kurt hugged his dad before going upstairs to his bedroom.


Blaine couldn't take it anymore. The memories. The pounding. The hurting. It was all to much.

Blaine had so many questions. How'd he get amnesia. Who was Tina and Sam. Is Rachel as annoying now as everyone says she is. And importantly, what was his and Kurt's relationship?

Ever since he got that memory of the him and Kurt at the airport a few hours earlier. He couldn't help, but wonder.

It hurt so much. Blaine wiped a few stray tears that fell down his tan cheek. He had finally stopped crying not to long ago.

Blaine got up from the wooden door his back was laying on and went to the full size bed. He crawled into the bed and pulled the covers over his body, laying his head on the fluffy white pillow.

Blaine closed his eyes as he tried to dream, but came the third of the day.


Hey guys

I'm on spring break now. YAY.

So, hoped you liked it

Shine bright🌟

Fearlessly And Forever (Klaine/Glee)//currently editing Where stories live. Discover now