Chapter 21

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Talented Blaine Anderson  gone missing. Where has he been these past few weeks? He was suppose to do a concert, but never showed up. I bet his manager is ticked-

Kurt read in his mind. "No way. I wonder if Blaine um remembers his record deal."

"Huh?" Blaine voice comes from the door. Kurt shoved the magazine in his pocket. "Have you always talked to yourself?"

"Oh come on. Everyone talks to themselves once in awhile."Kurt awkwardly laughs. "Anyway..."

"I guess. What's that?" Blaine asks picking up the copy of the same magazine Kurt was reading moments before. " Talented Blaine Anderson  gone missing. Where has he been these past few weeks?

He was suppose to do a concert, but never showed up. I bet his manager is ticked. People have been saying that he went to his small town where his faimly is Lima, Ohio. No one actually knows. Last time we saw him was him at his concert in California.

When will this super star show up again?" Blaine finished reading. "There not talking about me right?"

"Actually Blaine-" Kurt started, but was cut off.

"How could I not know about this. I have a right."

"We wanted you to have a normal life with the people you love the most." Kurt explained.

"But the Blaine That remembers everything would've loved his fans." Blaine said. "I would've remember it anyway."

"Blaine, you'll have to understand why we did it." Kurt tried, but Blaine shook his head.

"My manager must be pissed at me."

"I may have contacted him." Kurt muttered.

"But did you?"

"Well, I told Rachel to do it because-"

"I need time." Blaine cut Kurt off again leaving the room to go outside. Once, he was outside Blaine went on his phone.

"Blaine!" Harry's voice came through the phone. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I Rachel-Kurt I thought-"

"Well, Rachel did tell me, But I thought you call me."

"No one told me. I would have."

"It's fine. I can't get mad since you still have amnesia." Harry said. "But when see you going to come back to California. I can get you a concert."

"I-I'll see you in uh next week. Count on it." Blaine stuttered.

"Good. I'll send you over the arrangements." Harry said before hanging up. Blaine Just realised what he said.

"Oh gosh." Blaine sighed.

He turned and Kurt was at the door. "You can't leave.".

"Who said I was." Blaine shrugged as He passed by Kurt. "I know I'm not good at thus point but o can do things on my own."

"But are you going?"

"Maybe I'll get some memories back." Blaine said turning to Kurt and grabbing his hand. "And besides I can't leave you. I love you to much too."

"Awe I love you too." Kurt smiled as he kissed Blaine. "Do you really like me. Besides the memories?"

"I always loved you. Even that brief amount of time I didn't know you or as I say didn't recognize you cause of my freaking amnesia."

"Don't be hard on yourself." Kurt said as he hugged his boyfriend.

"You'll always be mine."

"And you'll always be mine."


Hey guys

I can't believe it. Tomorrow I go back to school. I don't want to...

I hoped you likes it

You guys rock😀💙

Shine bright🌟✨

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