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Theo is not overly surprised when, instead of calming, the chaos of the Millennium Falcon's escape only furthers with the lightyears spent around them

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Theo is not overly surprised when, instead of calming, the chaos of the Millennium Falcon's escape only furthers with the lightyears spent around them.  Whereas it once was the compressor when they were leaving, the Falcon now seems to have discovered a new problem with itself.  And how do they know this?  Well, alarms and lights tend to be the best way to get the attention of mindless mortals.

The girl presses herself up against the wall of the cockpit's hallway, subconsciously trying to hide in the material if only it would whisk her away from the panic.  Surely, Theo thrives in chaos, but that does not mean she enjoys it.  Indeed, chaos works for her when she knows what she is doing--in other words, not at this moment.

From Chewie's yelping in the lounge to the sparks flying overhead, Theo feels completely unprepared for whatever problems they are experiencing.  Of course, only Han could do this to her.

"Electrical overload!" Han shouts, rushing to his feet as another problem develops in the Falcon.

"I can fix that!" Rey responds eagerly, leaning over to adjust the systems of the Falcon as more alarms blare around the group, both in the cockpit and the lounge area.

"The coolant's leaking," Han adds in, making Theo jump from her crouched position to a straight posture.  This is actually one of the things she knows how to fix, but before she can offer her help, Rey saves the day once more.

"Try transferring auxiliary power to the secondary tank--" Rey says, making Han stop in his tracks and consider her words.  Theo simply stares at the two, feeling slightly disgruntled by Rey's broad range of abilities and knowledge.  But just as she recognizes this, Theo pushes it away, knowing that Rey only wants to help.

"--Secondary tank, I got it!" Han shouts, rushing back to the control panel in the cockpit and avidly pressing buttons.

A howl of pain, rather than alarm, echoes through the Falcon in another bout of Chewie's mad injury.  Rushing towards the lounge, Theo comes in contact with a scurrying BB-8, whom obviously does not want to be around a rampaging wookie.  But in effect of its rush, the droid collides again with the shins of the Jedi knight.

"Woah there, little man!" Theo shouts, wishing to rub her aching shins, abused twice today by BB-8.  Instead, the girl simply pats the head of the droid before rushing into the lounge area where Finn and Anakin are struggling.

"Chewie, come on!" Finn begs, before raising his voice in a plea for aid, "I need help with this giant hairy thing!"

"I am right here!" Anakin responds, only inches away yet continually wrestling with the pained wookie.  "Stop moving! Chewie!"

"You hurt Chewie, you're gonna deal with me!" Han shouts from the cockpit, as if not knowing that Chewbacca is a handful when injured.  However, Theo knows that Han is simply concerned for the welfare of the wookie, not Finn or Anakin themselves since they are nothing more than strangers.

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