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It had all been rather sudden, and consequently, had Theo reeling

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It had all been rather sudden, and consequently, had Theo reeling.  One moment, she is curled up in warm sheets on a very rocky ground, and the next, Luke is bursting into her cabin with an 'urgent' mission for her, Obi-Wan, and Anakin.  At first, given the awkward time (4 AM), Theo was resistant to oblige with his wishes.  But upon hearing the mission, she knew that they had no choice.  This had to be done, and quickly for the child's sake.

"I sense a young boy, maybe twelve, on Geonosis.  He has acute abilities in the Force, enough to be sensed through my meditation," Luke had said, not so alarmingly, before adding, "I sense Snoke knows the same."

It had her rushing off the ground, pouncing on Obi-Wan and Anakin and sprinting to the ship, managing to adorn herself in robes.  The two were quick to follow, less stubbornly than Theo before them, leaving them to flight as Rey and Anakin took to the controls.  Rey might not be trained enough to face what is awaiting the three, but they need someone to watch the ship and serve as communication between the three and Luke.  He is to stay on Ahch-Two.

The red planet is not much of a sight to see, no matter how different it is from what Theo is used to.  Indeed, the girl still seems to be awakening from her unsettled sleep as the three Jedi move from the bowels of the Millennium Falcon and into the barren wilderness of jutting rock formations and red dirt.  But soon enough, that turns to a small village, busy at the midday time here, and swirling with people in the small markets.  It would be a nice sight if not for the departing ship from nearby.

It does not take a genius, nor even someone from this time period, to know the ship belongs to the First Order.  With its chrome and silver furnishings, as well as the foreign Force signature inside, the three know trouble is up within this village of Geonosis.  And they are only assured of this, from their location on the outskirts of the market, when Kylo Ren steps out from behind a nearby rock formation, tense yet not lit by a lightsaber.

"I hope you realize you just doomed that child to a life of eternal damnation!" Theo is quick to shout at her old friend, having lost all patience at these sinful actions on part of the Sith.  It is one thing for Ben to fall himself, but to drag another innocent with him...that is despicable.

The man looks to the white-haired vision, ever startling, with cold eyes that scream of a power-search so great.  His voice comes out in a sharp and greedy tone, eyes blazing in the same way.  "He will be my apprentice, a powerful one."

"Power is not everything, Ben," Theo responds, almost jokingly given that Kylo is a Sith and all he wishes for is power.

"Isn't it?" the boy asks rhetorically, a grin painting his face as if he knows something they do not.  And it's a true sign, the boy's arm rising from his robes to point a blaster at Theo, not hesitating to fire right at her...hitting her in the the lower lung.

"Theo!" Obi-Wan shouts for the woman, though she has yet to react to such a deadly injury, eyes blazing in irritation with her old friend turned bad.

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