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The Resistance cruiser is not nearly as roomy as Theo assumed from the size, it's cabin barely fitting two with the remainder of the space going to bedding and supplies

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The Resistance cruiser is not nearly as roomy as Theo assumed from the size, it's cabin barely fitting two with the remainder of the space going to bedding and supplies.  But, given the nature of their travels, Theo and Obi-Wan do not pay particular mind to this, placing their bags near the lift and taking to the cabin with few steps spent.

"Who's driving?" Theo asks, looking between the two chairs, one of which being the captain's.  Her eyes meet those of her husband, his face glowing with a radiant joy, as he looks to her as well, humoured for some reason though prompting a smile to develop on Theo's face.

"I guess I will," the red-haired Jedi remarks, taking a seat in the right chair as Theo goes to the left.  He looks to her with continued commitment and happiness, one common for newlyweds.  "You don't know where we're going, after all."

"Where are we going, Master Kenobi?" Theo asks, playing with the man to her right, his face turning to grin at her.  And though it is a new development of only a few minutes, both are humoured by the fact that there are two 'Master Kenobis' now.  This is bound to be confusing, but Theo knows she will likely stick to 'Master Lema' for simple convenience.

"We'll go to my home.  When I last checked, though many years ago, my house still stood," Obi-Wan remarks, flipping switches and grabbing the controls as their ship moves skyward and slowly into the endlessness of the universe.

"Stewjon?" Theo asks, both mischievously and with slight surprise.  Of all places for a vacation and honeymoon, Theo did not think to visit the planet of Obi-Wan's birth.  But then again, at least it's not her home, Hoth, or the cliche of Naboo.  Like she's said before: Theo is not looking for another Padme-Anakin relationship with Obi-Wan.

Setting the ship to lightspeed and basking them in blue light, the male Jedi turns to his wife with a raised eyebrow, humoured and baffled to great extent.  "I will not question your knowledge.  But the unknown extent to which your knowledge spans scares me greatly."

Theo's laughter--and consequently Obi-Wan's--sounds through the small cabin with complete happiness.  A sense of bliss overcomes their craft as they move towards Obi-Wan's past and concurrently their future.  Both radiant in the starlight, Obi-Wan and Theo are ready to take on the evils of the universe with their duty to the Jedi, devotion to their family, and love for one another.



    Stewjon is a strange planet, Theo comes to find as their ship enters the atmosphere and shortly lands.  Like the great diversity of planetary environments in the universe, Stewjon is unlike any other with its endlessly grassy plains and small hills, no mountains or trees pimpling the lands.  Winds whisk through the opening ship to reveal the two Jedi, waist-high grasses brushing Theo's side as she moves with Obi-Wan to a house on the horizon, old and decaying in the gusty environment.  But to the same extent that Theo is annoyed with the wind and its effect on her hair, she takes great joy in the endlessness of the planet, promising an adventure.

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