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    It is a grateful moment within the Millennium Falcon when no alarms are ringing nor smugglers shouting

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    It is a grateful moment within the Millennium Falcon when no alarms are ringing nor smugglers shouting.  Rather, the place is silent in the lingering thoughts of battle and loss.  The Jedi experience the discomfort of Rey near the rear of their heads, a force pressed harshly where the spinal cord meets the brain.  And then there are the others, not so force-sensitive beings, Finn in his continual brood and Chewbacca having nothing else to growl about.

"I've always wanted to visit D'Qar," Anakin remarks from one of the seats in the cockpit, not so much addressing a specific person but trying to ease tensions.  Obi-Wan and Theo look over at him from the doorway, sincerely doubting that the man even knew of this planet.  But they are grateful, for the tension is smothering.

Theo's head twists around to gaze at the man next to her, their tuniced arms brushing slightly with the ship's movements.  He stands one-head taller than her, the crest of her own hair reaching to the middle of his chin.  So as she looks up to him with her dull eyes and moving mouth, the man stares down at her with comfort.  "Have you ever been here?"

"No, but today will be a great day to visit, I would think," Obi-Wan responds, not knowing what else to say.  And yet, the conversation is not so awkward as it is stifling, the two not knowing how to truly behave around one another.  With Anakin, it is friendly for Theo and brotherly for Obi-Wan.  But with each other, the two feel some surge of feeling that cannot bode well for Jedi-kind.

The two are saved from the moment as the Millennium Falcon descends from hyperspace, casting gracefully into a land of rolling hills and sunken structures of plain concrete.  Quite honestly, there are prettier planets than D'Qar, but Theo smiles gently at the sight, for it is her temporary home.  Home is where the heart is, after all, and for the longest time, her heart was only with Leia.

The ship gracefully lands on a concrete pad, avoiding the limbering trees that are sporadically placed upon the hillsides.  Theo follows Han and Chewbacca from the cockpit along with her fellow Jedi, barely casting a glance at Finn as he continues to struggle with his overwhelming emotions.  Rolling her eyes, Theo takes a deep breath of the D'Qar atmosphere, coming to stand on the firm ground which she greatly prefers to flying.  Han and Chewbacca run off to heaven-knows-where, leaving the three Jedi to standing, staring, and nothing.

Suddenly, as if finally surmounting the barrier of emotion, Finn charges out of the bowels of the Millennium Falcon, conviction evident in his eyes.  And though their eyes meet for mere seconds, Theo is sprinting after Finn before Anakin and Obi-Wan can truly say a word.  "Finn! Wait up!"

She wants to believe she is a fast runner, but that is truly not the case in Theo's existence, proved at BB-8 rushes past both her and Finn, though the man recovers better than she does.  Stumbling at the impact, Theo is almost shocked to be caught in Obi-Wan's arms, once again, as he appears behind her in quick speed.  But instead of saying anything, and knowing words to be unnecessary, Theo just laughs at her clumsiness as she watches BB-8 reunite with Poe Dameron, her not-so-lost friend.  Surely, she should have known better...Poe was never one to accept death.

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