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Even with her thirty years, Theo is still astounded by the ways of the Force in the violent and domestic realms of her life

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Even with her thirty years, Theo is still astounded by the ways of the Force in the violent and domestic realms of her life.  Sure, the powers come in handy for fighting and flying, but even more so in moments like these.  If you had told Theo as a young child that the Force would be her permanent alarm clock, she wouldn't have stressed about awakening on-time for training.

So as that alarm subconsciously rings within her head, pulling her out of the depths of sleep, Theo feels a groan part from her lips and sing through the air of her small chambers. Obi-Wan, experiencing the same waking call, almost chuckles at the girl, yet holds back as he mirrors her feelings of exhaustion, even after these three hours of sleeping.  It has been a long week with not nearly enough sleep to break-up the days.

Theo's hair is splayed in all directions as she peeks her head up to enquire on Obi-Wan's state, finding him awake.  This time, he cannot help laughing at her, though she does not take it personally, as Obi-Wan's hair is just as messy as hers.  Sighing, the man swings himself out of the bed and onto the floor, as if fully awakened and not tired in the slightest.  Theo takes some more time, stretching and cracking, as she rises to her feet in slow motions.

"I'd say we're needed," Obi-Wan remarks needlessly, though Theo will not comment on this in fear of being labelled 'argumentative.'  Rather, the woman just gazes upon the other Jedi, his hair pressed and fluffed in places, and his beard slightly flat against his face.  Before she knows it, there is a small and adorable grin painted on her face.

"I'm surprised they lasted this long without us, especially Anakin," Theo says, breaking her gaze from the man as she gathers some clothes from her dresser for herself.  Heading next to the rarely touched closet, Theo grabs a brown Jedi uniform, launching it at Obi-Wan as he easily catches it.  Obi-Wan does not need to question why she has such clothing, for he's come to see that the girl prefers men's clothes over that of women.

Theo shuts the bathroom door behind her before throwing off her dirty clothes and replacing that with new battlewear.  Seeing as Theo expects to be battling a Sith today, she took caution in her clothing choice, choosing tighter clothes for utmost security.  After rewrapping her chest, Theo pulls on a long-sleeved, tight green shirt and black leggings, paired with her typical black boots (still hiding the lightsabers) and utility belt.  Theo smooths out her hair quickly, pulling it back in a singular, though complex, braid, before leaving the bathroom entirely.

By the time she returns, Obi-Wan is adorned in the overly complex Jedi robes she had given him not two minutes before.  Theo raises one of her dark eyebrows at him, throwing her dirty clothes in a hamper in the corner while continuing to stare at the man whom she is so drawn to.  And to Obi-Wan, he thinks her none the less beautiful than she has ever been, the dark green shirt bringing out her hair and apparently, green eyes.

"You're a fast changer," Theo quips, grabbing Obi-Wan's old clothes from his hands before tossing them in the hamper as well.

"Only from experience," Obi-Wan remarks, having had far less time to change in his days during the Clone Wars.  With humour, the man regards the many strange locations where he's had to change in his duties as a Jedi.

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