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 Around the four Jedi, the sun casts its final glance upon the momentuouos rock formations of Geonosis, bidding day goodbye as life turns to night

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Around the four Jedi, the sun casts its final glance upon the momentuouos rock formations of Geonosis, bidding day goodbye as life turns to night.  The deep coloured sun sends an unearthly glow across of the deep red-orange of the rocks and Obi-Wan's hair, colourful like the prettiest of portraits and landscapes, basked in color like there is no frugality to this universe.  Theo eyes Obi-Wan with great attention, overcome in emotion like how the sun is overcome by the horizon, leaving them to the colourless dusk and soon-to-arrive nighttime.

"Rey will be waiting for is near twilight," Obi-Wan remarks, not catching Theo's gaze for he would surely succumb to it and fall into quiet.  Rather, he faces the three with a business-expression, leading them as Theo seems incapable of such tasks at this moment.  "Come, we must update them on the progressions of today."

"Them?" Ben asks, having forgotten the sheer span of the new Jedi Order and what his return may reignite within their ranks.

"The temple.  Our trio--err-quartet, now--Rey, and Luke," Theo says, returning from her reverie over Obi-Wan with a quick switch.  Ben pales at the mention of his uncle, though kicking himself for his ignorance over his presence.  He's more than likely to be the leader of the Jedi temple, and it was brainless of him to not expect this.

"He will be happy to see you, Ben," Anakin finishes, placing a hand on his grandson's shoulder with sincerity.  "It has been way too long for the entirety of your family."

Reluctantly, Ben Solo nods at his relation in the sheer doubt he has over Anakin's words.  And yet, it does not hinder Anakin in his gesture for their journey backward, toward the ship that will take them home.  They follow unworn paths into the growing darkness, deeper into the desert where the ship was hidden earlier.  Chills run across their skin, a sudden departure of warmth from the sun, and leaving the group to hurry before they're caught in the sheer coldness of night.

Obi-Wan's arm hangs loosely around Theo's waist, a new gesture though consequential from the possible tragedy of earlier.  He holds to the cloth on her waist like a lifeline, desperate to not lose her in darkness or death.  It scared him greatly when Theo almost bled-out on the already-red ground of Geonosis, his grip just a symbol of this.  Theodora notices said feelings, brushing her fingers across Obi-Wan's hand that sits on her waist, eyes meeting in a soft caress.  She smiles at him, reassuring Obi-Wan that she's very much alive, as they turn a corner in their trek and come in sight of Rey, standing in front of their escape.

    Rey is anxious, that much is clear in the quartet's eyes, with her shoulders tense and eyes on alert.  And though she first relaxes at their sight, Rey freezes again as Ben becomes clear to her eyes, not having ever thought that they would win him back.  Hope may be a Jedi attribute, but that does not mean it runs rampant or strong in war.

"We apologize for our tardiness.  Our business became slightly more complicated than we were expecting," Obi-Wan says as they come to rest near her feet at the entrance of their escape.

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