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 Theodora Lema is not always the best decision maker, as past events have surely shown

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Theodora Lema is not always the best decision maker, as past events have surely shown.  Given, she is ruled by righteous morals like any other Jedi, and always acts in accordance to her loyalties.  But this is the exact issue she faces: whether or not Leia and Anakin will be aided by her wealth of information.

    Anakin's existence is known to have brought pain to the Skywalker family in the past, being the main villain of the Rebellion many years ago.  And yet, Leia has every right to know of her father, as Anakin has a wish to know his daughter.  Perhaps it is simply the fact that Theo never knew her parents, but she feels the deep need to bring happiness to her adopted family.

"Theo, who are your companions?" Leia questions, looking over the two hooded figures with curious skepticism that seems to have carried her through many years.  The General may be lying to herself when she sights a tear on the shadowed face of one of the figures, catching in the faded light of battle's aftermath.  The other figure, well, Leia cannot express nearly as much interest in.

"You know of my deathsinging abilities, Leia..." Theo begins, not knowing exactly how to address the fact that she resurrected not one, but two people in her absence from the Resistance base.  And thenceforth, how does she inform Leia that the young man in front of her is her father?  Surely, she'd sound crazy.

"I do..." Leia responds, thinking Theo's words over before her eyes widen in realization, flashing over to the female Jedi.  "Are they--?"

"And you know whom Ben looks up to?"  Theo continues, trying to drive the idea into Leia's head rather than tell her outright.  The female Jedi lives for moments like these, though she would never admit it, in which she can draw out drama like a line in the muddy dirt.  With a such a dull life as a Jedi, Theo certainly needs moments like these to keep her going.  Call it her guilty pleasure.

"His grandfather," Leia responds, eyes slowly drawing over to Anakin's shadowed figure, as if fearing and hoping for the truth to come into light.  And as it does, she cannot help gasping out in awe.

Anakin slowly removes the cloak from his head, eyes never leaving Leia's as the battle fades out behind them.  His blue eyes meet her brown in an embrace that can only be expressed between family, between blood.  Leia looks at her father as if he is a saint returned to earth, which he is, although she never once met the man as Anakin Skywalker himself.  The father gazes at Leia with the returned feeling of fatherhood, the one that he ignorantly bagged on when turning to the Sith.  Feeling it now, Anakin realizes that the feeling is not one of a dark danger, but genuine light; love only brings destruction when fear overwhelms the feelings of adoration.

"Master Anakin!" C3PO exclaims, practically hopping between his two feet at the image of his creator.  Truly, it is hard to forget the face of the person who created you, but given Anakin's historical impression, it's all the more poignant for the droid.

"Great timing, C3PO," Theo quips, wishing that she could feel anything more than irritation with the droid, and yet, C3PO always acts like this.  Theo has a notoriously low acceptance of quirks, ironically given the magnitude of her own, and thus, her relationship with the droid was bound to be a failure from the start.  Not that C3PO recognizes this...

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