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The romantic moment is gone for the two, legs swinging over downed trees and around shrubbery as the two head off on the Force's direction

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The romantic moment is gone for the two, legs swinging over downed trees and around shrubbery as the two head off on the Force's direction. With each step, a purple light grows brighter off the trees, and the heaviness of their hearts sings of trouble. And yet, they have no clue as to what they may run in on, whether it's Kylo's destruction or Anakin's dueling. Bets placed on certain scenarios, Theo and Obi-Wan are surprised when they finally rush into the battlezone.

Rey leans over Kylo's fallen form, her eyes angry as his reflect fear. He bears a large flesh-wound across his face and chest, though that pain is extinguished by his own fear of the raging girl, now Jedi. Anakin, from behind Rey, approaches slowly, wishing not to scare the girl into some rash action. And yet, the fears of Anakin and Theo alike are unfounded, Rey choosing to simply stand over the Sith with power in virtue, not taking a step into the dark.

Rey's eyes rush to meet Theo's as her and Obi-Wan make it within feet of her. And though there is an inner struggle within Rey in doing what is 'right,' she is verified in her belief that these actions are of good moral worth. Theo nods in praise of Rey's stalling, knowing the struggle to kill, and yet, the girl is powerful enough to withhold the evil that surely runs through her veins.

Almost in a saving grace of Kylo Ren, rather than Ben Solo, a large explosion is accompanied by the planet's splitting beneath their feet, heaving to and from other reaches of the planet. Kylo, in all his fear, reaches his salvation as an abyss develops between him and Rey, almost as if the heaven's are waiting on him. But either way, Theo finds herself beside Anakin, reaching across the abyss for Ben's hand before it becomes too large. Whether it is the boy's role as Kylo or his anger at Theo and Rey, Ben turns away from their aid, choosing then to die rather than take up the mantle of virtue.

"Finn! Finn..." Rey mutters from behind Theo, turning her attention away to a worthwhile cause. Theo rushes to Finn's side, in conjunction with Obi-Wan, as she comes to see the massive injuries imposed on Finn's back. Rey practically cradles his body, desperation obvious, as she sobs into the seemingly lifeless Finn. And yet, from the pulse of the man, Theo knows that Finn has some chance of survival.

But the thought is too quick, survival being impossible when Han and Chewie have the Falcon and these five are lost in the woods of this heaven-forsaken bomb-of-a-planet. Theo sinks to her knees in the snow, as if coming home the same way she arrived on Hoth, as Obi-Wan joins her crouched side, hope more effervescent in his eyes and stunning to Theo.

"This is it..." Theo mutters, lacking the faith after this failure of a mission to even express some hope. And yet, if she is to die, Theo is glad that it happens this way--Obi-Wan pulling her by the waist into him before laying a soft and emotional kiss on her lips. And though they are both shivering, cold, and adorned by chapped lips, it is sweeter than anything Theo has ever tasted, a true awakening at such a time of eternal sleep.

Almost as if waiting for this moment, for peace to fill the gap in her heart, a bright light rises from the newly-created canyon, basking the group of five in a pure and radiant light. It is the Falcon...with Chewie at the co-pilot's chair and Han acting as forever-pilot. Theo pays no attention to the forlorn looking on either face, choosing instead to grin as Chewie roars loudly over the blizzard's anger.

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