Chapter 2.

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We were at the last gas station before we got there and i got up and stretched. A few minutes later i see a bunch of roller coasters and fun stuff. I grab my polaroid out of my purse and i snap a picture of the sign Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.
"Do you have a sharpie?" I ask
"Yeah" he says grabbing it out of his shirt pocket.
SANTA CRUZ 1987 I write on the white part and i put it in my purse and give George his sharpie back.
He walks to the very back of the boardwalk to like a train tracks looking kinda thing.
"Here is where i will be ill let you explore with this credit card okay?"
"Okay do you want anything?"
"A candied apple with chocolate and nuts would be nice."
"Alright see you in an hour or so."
I run off to explore the boardwalk. I see a huge mob of girls surrounding something or some one. I pay no attention and i keep walking and i notice what they are surrounding. Its a boy. With blonde hair. Hmm must be famous. I also notice that they're in front of a candy shop. I try walking in and these girls push me.
" NO CUTTING!" The girls yell
"Im not cutting I'm trying to get to the candy shop." I calmly say and push my way through. Damn these California girls are crazy.
The boy with blonde hair looks at me and smiles. Wow he has some pretty eyes. Blue, my favorite. I simply smile back not knowing who he was at the time and remove my hair from my face. I keep on by walking into the store. I hear girls say "Corey!!" "I love you Corey."
Corey haim? From Lucas? Really?
Corey follows me into the shop.
"So you're not going to go crazy on me right?"
" No, but im a huge fan what are you doing here?."
"Okay good, and Thanks! Im filming a movie here." He smiles
"I'm Harper and my uncle George is the director of that movie The Lost Boys right? Unless theres another movie being made here."
"Thats the one, i play Sam."
"The one that tries to explain to his mom that theres vampire here and shes dating one of them matter of fact the head man?"
"Yup, he told you what happens huh?"
"Some of it like the main people and what they do and stuff."
"cool i hope i see you around on set."
"You will i kinda live with my uncle now."
I just smile. The door opens crazily.
"COREY WERE ABOUT TO SHOOT YOU IDIOT IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE YOU KINDA NEED TO BE THERE!" An older guy with brown hair in a black leather jacket and one earring says maybe his twenties? Im not sure.
"Well it was cool to meet you see you around, IM COMING."
i giggle and wave as he heads out the door. Now i can look at the candy "APPLE" i scream quietly.
"Hi, how can i help you" i see a cute boy on the other side of the glass with an apron on and with like a slick back Johnny Depp kinda hair.
"Hello can i get a candied apple with chocolate and nuts on it."
"Sure" he smirks
i hand him the credit card and he swipes and hands it back along with the apple.
"You're welcome."
The mob is finally gone so i walk onto the boardwalk once again. Its starts to get a little chilly so i go into the shop right over from a roller coaster and i see sweatshirts.
I walk over and i see all kinds of them. Im wearing shorts so i decide to grab the biggest pull over i can find so it can drop down at least to my thighs. I pick a red Lifeguard sweater and take it to the counter.
" getting chilly huh?" The teen girl asks
"Yeah and its my first time here so i wanna get something that i know ill use."
"Well welcome and smart choice, we have smaller ones if you need it."
"No Thanks this one will do."
"Ookay." The the teen rings it up.
I pull out the credit card and i hand it to her.
"Fancy" she says swiping the card
I put the sweater on and get the card and start walking off.
"No problem."
I keep walking and theres a band on the stage in the sand. I climb over the wooden fence and sit on the edge and listen. I grab my polaroid and i snap a photo.
Dammit i don't have the sharpie. I look through my purse and find one.
"There you are you sucker." I grab it
SANTA CRUZ CONCERT i write and put it with my other one i took earlier.
I caught the concert when its already over so i jump to the sand and walk up the stairs and start roaming again.
"Hmm i want a henna"so i decide to go to the henna station and sit down.
"How much for a henna?"
"Depends on what you want"
"Ummm." I look through the book "this one" i point to a hand one
"Thats $10" i look in my wallet i find $10 so i hand him the money.
I take my ring off and put my hand out. He starts drawing. About 5 minutes later he's done.
"No problemo."
I reach the end of the board walk so i start heading back the way i came but on the opposite side.
I pass another shop so i decide to go in and look around. I see a nice beanie so i grab it and buy it its a white beanie that says Santa Cruz in the fold in red white and blue with a red ball on top. I rip the tag off and put it on i keep walking and i see a pretzel place i get a pretzel and I'm close to the set so i decide to go.
"Hey, i was just gonna ask if you wanted a sweater but i see you're being responsible with the money and bought one for yourself, and the beanies is a nice touch he says messing with the ball on my head.
"Heres your apple." I hand him with my hand with the henna on it.
"Thanks hun they sliced it and everything nice henna."
"Oh heres your card too."
"Keep it."
"Yeah i have two one for me one for you."
"You sure?"
"You can sit right there on my chair my ass still hurts from the drive."
I do as told and eat my warm pretzel and watch the actors act.
"Hey Harper ."
"Hi jim." I haven't seen him since my moms 45th birthday.
"Hows the new life?"
"Good." He messes with the ball on my head. Whats it with my ball does it look stupid?
"What part are they at?" I ask
He grabs his chair and sits next to me. This is the part where they freak Michael out by making him jump off the tracks and hold on while the train comes.
"Jim if you don't mind id like to start now." George says
"Oh yeah sorry." He puts the camera on.
"ACTION." George yells.
"Cocoa?" A lady brings me.
"Yes, thank you."
"Im melody."
"Im Harper George's niece."
"Im George's assistant, Jim's new girlfriend."
"Nice to meet you."
I drink the cocoa and eat my pretzel which lasted me a while because it was huge.
I watch them do the scene.
"KEIFER SUTHERLAND my eyes shot open. Man he's my favorite.
Ever since i was young and i saw Stand by me. Ugh."
"Yeah he's great and "Michael" he's Jason Patric Son of the priest in Exorcist."
"Killer i love that movie."
"George yells a lot doesn't he?"
"Yup" George comes up behind me and scares me.

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