Chapter 3.

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"Wanna meet keifer i know your a fan."
"YESS i promise not to get a crazy."
"I know you wont."
"Keifer" George calls
"Come here real quick."
I see him coming my heart pounds super fast.
"Whats up?"
"This is Harper my niece shes a huge fan of yours."
"Awe how sweet Hey Harper."
"Hi." I maintain to keep my cool.
"I wanna take a pic of you two." George says
I give George my polaroid and we take a pic and he gives it to keifer to autograph it.
"Thanks." I say smiling.
"No problem." He says handing me the pic and playing with the ball on the beanie.
"What is it with everyone and the ball."
" its flurry and funny."
" and you kept your cool like you promised."
"Its not THAT hard."
"Corey Feldman is here too."
"WHAT?" Both come
"This is Harper."
"I met Haim at the candy shop over there." I point.
"Nice to Meet you Corey Feldman."
"You too, we were gonna go to Chinese food wanna come?"
I hop out and hug George.
"Have fun."
"Hey Harper." The staff say while we are walking to the Chinese food.
I see the restaurant with all the cast in their wardrobe. The vampires and the people who weren't in the scene just filmed.
"Hey Harper this is Jami, Alex, Billy, Jason, and Brooke," Keifer says.
"Hey nice to meet you guys." I smile
They smile back.
I walk up to the place where the menu is located.
"How can i help you?" A young girl says staring at both Coreys.
"Um ill have..uhhh..the number two and can you make the noodles without beansprouts?"
"We don't usually put them unless they ask."
"Okay thanks and fried shrimp instead of the egg rolls."
"And fried rice."
"Chicken,beef, or shrimp?
"For here or to go"
"What do you guys want."
"I'll have the usual." Haim says.
"Mee too." Feldman says.
Haim and Feldman sit down across from each other and i get my drink
"Sit next to me." Haim suggests.
Feldman raises his eyebrows
"Shut Up." Haim kicks feldmans leg
"What? I didn't do anything."
I smile at them.
"So why are you living with your uncle?"
"Both my parents died and my dads side wanted nothing to do with me only my brother and George is the only one on my moms side thats not either in prison or dead. And he offered to take me in so i wouldn't have to be in an orphanage."
"How did they die may i ask?" Feldman asks
"No you may not." Haim replies
"Its fine, my parents were arguing and my dad was barbecuing and he got mad and threw the hot coals in the house which i have no clue why, and the house caught on fire and i wasn't in the house i was out front waiting for my friends mom to pick me up for a sleepover and my brother is already out of the house in New York For college.
He didn't want to take care of me because his girlfriend doesn't like me. I don't know why."
"Im sorry for asking." Feldman says
"Yeah me too." Haim agrees kicking him under the table again.
"Ouch." Feldman whispers.
"Its cool George is a great guardian and all I'm happy to be with him rather than strangers."
"Ooh the foods coming."
We get our plates and eat like theres no tomorrow.
"Damn for a small girl like you you eat a lot."
"Yeah i uhh i box so i work it off ."
"Oh thats cool, what else do you do?"
"I love anything artsy from writing to singing to acting to makeup and fashion and other stuff."
"Yeah you must be talented."
"Haha i guess"
"Would you ever consider acting."
"I like to but idk if im good enough to become an actor."
"George says your great, so you must be."
"I guess."
"where are you from?"
"Im From New Mexico."
"How is it over there" Haim asks
I pay the bill and we head back to the set.
"How old are you?" Feldman asks
"Going to be 15 next month."
"You going to have a party?"
"Im not sure yet."
"If you do call me alright?" Haim says
"Me too." Feldman agrees
"Whats your guys' numbers?"
"Lets take a picture." Haim notices the polaroid.
I hold out the camera and i take the pic and i give them my pen so they write their numbers.
"Great thanks."
I smile.
We get on set and they go to hair and makeup.
I follow them in there
"Angela do you have something i can mess around with?
"Go ahead but make sure George wont get mad." As she starts putting makeup on Haim.
I grab the makeup and i start messing with my face.
About 15 minutes later i look like i got beat up by five people.
I turn and Angela Screamed.
"Oh my god you scared me!" Angela says breathless
"Haha, thats the point."
"You should scare George."
"Haha okay where is he?"
He's in wardrobe talking with Nancy.
"Okay thanks."
"Someone go with me."
"Ill go." Haim says
"Im going to pretend i got beaten up at the boardwalk."
I walk to wardrobe and i walk up to George pretending to cry.
"Woah honey what happened?"
"I was sitting at the concert and these three girls came up to me and one started hitting me while the other two held me down i couldn't fight back. They caught me off guard and they kept kicking me and..."
"Shhhh, its okay i got your you're safe now. were you there Corey?"
"No sir i was going to hair when she came and asked where you were."
"Thanks for helping her."
I fall weakly and start laughing.
"You did that?"
"Yeah, i went into makeup and started messing around with it."
" yeah."
"It looks real and your acting has improved."
" you think so?"
"Yeah i do."
"You're really good Harper." Haim blushes.
"Thanks, i guess."
" im going to go take this makeup off and put girly makeup on."
We walk out laughing.
I walk back to makeup to make my face look normal again.
I put the fake scars back in their case and i put my normal makeup routine. Nothing big just a little bit of mascara coverup and lipgloss thats about it.

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