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"Yo Avi!"

Avi blinked in surprise. "Eh...?"

I grinned. "You know what? You're right. Do you know what happened last night at my office?"

He shook his head. "No not really. Why?"

"I found out, there's hundreds of beautiful mountains and hills in Transylvania. So.."
I flipped out the plane tickets I've been hiding hin my clothes. "We're going to transylvania!!"

It had been five years since Mitch disappeared. Me and Avi tried every day and night to track him down, but we couldn't.

My father had teamed up with the police and looked for him as well. But to hunt him down.

I had to find Mitch.
I never stopped.
For four years, I searched, with no boyfriend what so ever. But when the fifth year rolled in, I met a man named Alexander.

He fell in love with me and I knew I liked him too. And I was desperate, trying to forget Mitch. So I went out with Alexander.

Avi, Alex, Kevin and I all live together. We got a cot and we went everywhere together, with Lindsey and Kirstie joining us from time to time.

"What's this I hear?" Kevin said, walking down the stairs. I grinned.
"All six of us, are going to Transylvania!!"

Kevin yelped and ran down. "FOR REAL?"

Alex peeped out. "What is this I hear about Transylvania?"

"We're going there!"

We all squealed like ten year old girls and hopped around. But soon Alex pulled away.
"Wait wait wait where'd you get the tickets?"

"I bought it honey." I called carefully.

Alex doesn't like it when I spend money for him. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Scott....what did I say about you paying for me?"

I rolled my eyes. "That I shouldn't?"

He nodded. "Good boy. Now I'm gonna pay for my tickets, okay?"

I shook my head. "You being with me is payment enough. You're my sun, hon."

Alex blushed. "Still......"

I kissed his temple and grinned. "I love you. Let me take you to Transylvania. Please?"

He sighed deeply. "Alright. But I'm not happy about it, alright? This is the last time you pay for me, no matter how rich you are."

I kissed him again and saw Avi raising his eyebrows at me. I mouthed 'WHAT' and he shook his head. I smiled.

Avi being weird could wait.

Because I was going to Transylvania.

I was thinking this would be the perfect thing to make me forget about Mitch.

Oh boy.

Was I wrong.

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