New Feelings

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Chapter 3: New Feelings

The days went by and turned into weeks, in those weeks we learned some different exercises from using the 3d maneuver gear to wielding a weapon. Today was mostly 3d maneuver gear training to the max and I was so happy the day was finally over and I had the rest of the night to myself. I had just gotten out of the bath and I couldn't help but look at myself in the mirror. I wasn't that little girl I was a few years ago I was becoming a woman. I looked over myself starting from my face, I no longer looked like a child my face held a more mature look to it. My lips were fuller and pouty, I was losing all my baby fat and I had small ample breast, they were just the right size and according to Hanji would be growing more as I got older. I ran my hands over my hips that were widening and my thick muscular thighs.

I could feel my face heat up as my mind wondered to Armin. Hanji said puberty messes around with the hormones in your body making you feel and do things you normally wouldn't. Was this what she was talking about?" I don't know why but I wanted more than anything to be touched I wanted to be kissed by... The door flew open and Anika ran into the bathroom in just a towel. I quickly covered my naked body with my arms. "Why don't you knock before just barging into the bathroom crazy?" I yelled running out of the bathroom. She let out a maniacal laugh before slamming the door shut and locking it.

I quickly pulled on my pajamas and lied down on the bed holding the book in my hand, as much as I tried to concentrate on reading my mind kept wondering back to Armin and how much I would love to feel his hands running over my body. My face was burning at the erotic thoughts that were running through my mind right now and it made me feel so naughty. What would my father think if he knew I was thinking about these kinds of things? I closed the book and wrapped myself up in my blankets hoping to fall asleep quickly and before Anika came out of the bathroom. Unfortunately, she came skipping out before I could even get close to my slumber.

"Did you enjoy checking yourself in there?" She asked jumping on me. I frowned and turned my back to her as she let out a loud laugh and lay on my back. "It's ok I like to look at my body sometimes and there are times I want to do things that I know I shouldn't but that's a part of growing up as my mother says. She says when you reach a certain age your body goes through certain changes and you want things that you didn't even know existed a year ago. Remember that one guy that I was talking to about a year ago we did things that I didn't even know two people could do." I rolled my eyes at her as she smirked at me. "I could educate up on making men happy if you want, I am older than you and a million times more experienced you are kid. Have you ever kissed a boy before?" I pushed her off me and sat up.

"The man who has ever kissed me was my father," I said quietly. She shook her head and sat down in front of me. "Guys are very easy to read and most of them are assholes and then there are a few that are really good like your blonde friend. I know a good guy when I see one, Marco is a sweetheart too but I prefer jerks they're more fun and easy to play around with. When you go to kiss a guy make sure you keep eye contact, then you move in slowly. You don't want to rush things and make it all awkward, once you've reeled him in you want to wait a few seconds tease him a little then lay a soft kiss on his lips." I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of me kissing a boy, a few years ago I thought boys had cooties now it was the complete opposite. "Let's just go to bed, by the way, I'm only like two years younger than you "kid"," I said kicking her off my bed. She stuck her tongue out at me and blew out the candles in the room.

The next day was a free day and I took the liberty of sleeping in and enjoying my beauty rest. When I got up Anika was already gone meaning it was probably around noon, lunch time there should be some food the dining hall. I pulled on my favorite dress and made my way to the dining hall; I could already smell the freshly baked bread. "Hi." I turned to see Armin and Marco walking over towards me. "Hey, guys how's it hanging?" Marco shrugged and Armin gave me a small smile. I felt my heart speed up a bit as he looked at me. He turned a little pink before I looked down at his feet. "Y-you look really nice today blue is a lovely color on you." He said still staring at the floor. My face burned at his comment, I tried to speak but that only thing that came out was a gasp for air. "Well, I'm going to eat, you two enjoy, chat." Marco said patting Armin's shoulder and flashing me a small smile. "Thanks, let's go eat I'm starving." He nodded and we walked into the empty dining hall, there were a few people here and there but no one I really knew besides Marco.

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