Year 848

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Chapter 2: Year 848

Chapter 2: Year 848

"It's time to get up princess we have to be outside and ready in the next 20 minutes." I slowly opened my eyes to see bright blue eyes staring into my dark ones. It's been three years since the fall of Wall Maria and since then I've joined the Military which excited my father. Oh I've grown up a bit as well, my hair is longer I'm just starting to get my female curves in now and, they're really nice according to my fellow squad members. "Star, can you believe we're going to get to go outside of the walls soon, I'm so excited I can't wait to see a titan up close and personal." That chatterbox is my best friend, her name is Anika Kaiser we share a room since we don't have that much space in the barracks.

 She's probably one of the prettiest girls I know; she's tall and has long black hair that usually kept up in a messy bun. Her most striking features are her bright green eyes and her freckles. Most of the males here are head or heels in love with her until she talks them to death, then they just admire from afar. Remember me telling when I was escaping the city with that family yeah well Anika was one of the kids that were in the carriage with me. After "that day" we became the best of friends, we both joined the military together. Because I'm Erwin Smith's daughter they let me train with my father and Uncle Levi (personally I think they didn't want me to be seen by everyone but oh well). "Come on Star get up or we're gonna get in trouble," Anika yelled shaking me. I sighed before slowly crawling out of bed and getting dressed. Like she said we were finally going to go outside of the walls and I couldn't be more nervous. So many soldiers have died outside of the walls and I would be going out there at the lovely age of 13.

Anika and I made it downstairs and took a quick detour into the kitchen for a quick meal before heading outside with the other soldiers. "Good morning everyone how did we sleep?" Anika yelled flashing the small group a large smile. Yes, she is very annoying and most people get tired of her fairly quick but for some reason, I don't get tired of her. "Ani, it's too early in the morning for this right now," I said rubbing my eyes and yawning. She pulled on my long braid before hugging my back. After about 10 minutes of standing in the blistering heat Uncle Levi finally made his appearance. 

"Alright today is a very important day for some of you and many of you will die so make you are set up with a horse and at the front of headquarters in 15 minutes. Anika Kaiser, and Star Smith I need the both of you to come with me." Uh-oh, that doesn't sound good to me. The two of us exchanged looks before following the short man back to his office. "Alright Uncle we've been waiting for this for a while why can't we go on the expedition? Is it because father thinks we can't handle it?" I asked frowning at him. He shrugged as my frowned deepened. "Kaiser can go if she wants but your father doesn't think you're ready and personally neither do I. So you will be staying with the 104th Trainee Squad for a few weeks and please try not to get in a trouble." Really after training my ass off for three years no rest just all work and he tells me I can't go on the stupid expedition. "Can I stay with her in the Trainee Squad Captain or do I have to go?" Anika asked giving Levi a small smile. He sighed before nodded. "If you have a problem Star you can go take out with your father he's in his office prob..." I didn't wait for him to finish before I ran out of the office and into my fathers. He was sitting at his desk with his hand folded. "Why can't I go on the expedition? You know I'm more than capable of doing this. I have been training for years daddy I'm ready for it." I said slamming my hands down on the desk. He sighed before getting up and towering over me.

 (Remember when I told my mother was really short? Well I, unfortunately, got her height at a wopping 4'10). "I know, and I think you would do great on an expedition but not this one. The next one I promise you I'll let you go but I don't want you going on this one." He crossed his arms and I looked down at my boots. "Can you a least tell me why you're sending me to the Trainee Squad?" I asked quietly. "I think I would be nice if you met some kids your age and maybe you can learn some different training practices. Please just bear with me and the expedition, I don't feel like this one is going to go very well and I'm not ready to lose you, kid." He explained patting the top of my head. I gave him a small smile and he kissed the top of head and pulled me into a hug. "Anika can go with if she wants to keep you company." I nodded and walked out of the room to see Anika waiting with a few bags. "The horses are ready to go if we leave now we're going to get there right before nightfall." I gave my father one last wave as Anika and I made our way to the 104th Trainee Squad.

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