Sonny Baker P.3 (Filler)

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When I woke up I was in an unfamiliar room, it was nice and cozy, a lot better than the women's barracks that's for sure. I slowly got up and saw a cup of water sitting on the end table along with a note from Hange. She will be back to check on me, and to make sure I drink all the water in this cup, great. I gulped down all the water and sighed, I didn't feel as bad as I did during the expedition which was great. I got out of the bed and walked over to the desk looking through some of the papers.

Formation plans and a strategy books? I looked around the large room and smiled when I realized who's room I was in. I jumped when the door open, Erwin walked in with Levi hot on his tracks. "You look a lot better than you did yesterday, how are you feeling?" Wait did he just say yesterday? Was I out for the whole day? Erwin walked up to me and patted my head, I always felt like a child when he did that to me.

"I'm feeling fine, when is Hange coming I want to talk to her," I said pulling him down on the bed, I grabbed Levi, pulled him down as well. I wasn't going to neglect my friend any longer, Levi and I have always been together for a long time and I wasn't going to let it be ruined no matter what. "I want the both of you to promise me something, promise me you two are going to get along." Erwin kissed my forehead and Levi looked away after nodding. I couldn't be happier, my two favorite men were putting aside any ill feelings for each other for me.

The door flew open and Hange ran in with a cup of something and a large grin on her face. "You're awake, how's the mommy-to-be feeling? You look a lot gbetter than you did before, I brought this drink it should help with the vomiting and nausea." I nodded taking a sip of the fizzy water. "Wait what did you say before? You called her mommy-to-be what the hell does that mean?" Levi said getting up and looking over all of us. Hange laughed and rubbed my flat stomach before smiling at me.

I looked over at Erwin who looked got up and left the room, Levi walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. "It's why you've been so sick, your body is preparing itself for the life that's going to be growing in it. Don't worry about Erwin either, he's going to be alright for some reason it takes a longer time for men to process these things." Hange explained, the smile on her face never fell and it made me feel better. "So what does this mean, do I not have a job anymore?" Hange laughed and Erwin walked back into the room.

Hange grabbed Levi and pulled him out of the room, leaving Erwin and me alone, I couldn't read his face but I wanted him to know that everything would be alright. I stood up on the bed and walked over to Erwin, I smiled when I realized that I was taller then he was for a change. He looked over at me and smiled, at that moment I knew that he was as happy as I was. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned in to kiss him. He sat on the bed and I made myself comfortable on his lap. "I hope you're not angry, maybe more surprised than angry I wasn't, well I am but I'm ok with it," I explained.

Erwin nodded and played with one of the many kinky curls in my hair. "You do realize things are only going to get harder from here? There are people are going to try to conspire against us and try to ruin things are you ready for this?" I didn't even need to think about it, of course, I was will to take on anything. As long as I had Erwin by my side no one could ever hurt me. I nodded and Erwin kissed me.


Day turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, life for me was so boring I was on a weird maternity leave. I was still working but if anyone thought I was working too hard I was sent to Erwin's room like a kid going to timeout. Just like today, the day barely started and I was already sent to away from the work, everyone was getting ready for the upcoming expedition in a few weeks and no one wanted my help. I jumped when I felt someone's arms wrap around my swollen abdomen, I looked over my shoulder to see Hange smiling at me.

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