Sonny Baker P4. (Final Filler)

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When I woke up my body was killing me and Levi was sitting on the side of the bed holding my little Star. It was obvious I was out for some time considering it was daylight and the room had been cleaned up.

"You're awake finally, Hange was worried that you wouldn't make it. I told her you'd be fine since you're strong." Levi said turning towards me. He handed Star to me and I smiled happily taking my baby. She was asleep and kissed her little face, I ran my hand over the top her head and realized she had a blonde streak of hair on the back of her head.

"Did you notice one of her curls are blonde?" Levi nodded and sighed. "Hange said something about Erwin's genes and it sounded like a bunch of bullshit to me." I laughed and as Star stirred in her sleep. All I wanted was for Erwin to come back so I can show him how wonderful and beautiful their baby was. "Erwin is coming back early, he should be here today or tomorrow, Four- eyes said there was an emergency so he's on his way."

I smiled and gave Star back to Levi before trying to get out of the bed. "Oi, don't do that you shouldn't be getting up yet." I ignored Levi and stood up stretching my body as much as I could before walking over to the closet and pulling out a dress. "I have to get myself together before he comes, I don't want him to see me looking pitiful or he'll be upset," I said walking into the bathroom.

Levi put Star in her crib and followed me into the bathroom and grabbed my arm. "Please don't push yourself, I don't want you getting hurt." I nodded before attempting to take my clothes off and failing, Levi shook his head and helped me undress and bath before helping me put on my clothes. "Thanks, I feel super useless right now." Levi's face had a light blush on it as he helped me back to the bed. "It's fine, it wouldn't be the first time I helped take care of you." I nodded as the door flew open.

Hange ran in and checked on the baby before walking over to me, with a bag and it kind of intimidated me. "What is that for?" She smiled and pulled out make-up? "Erwin is coming and I know that you're going to want to look your best, I didn't think you would be awake so I was going to powder you up." I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't think I've ever worn makeup before, I might scare Erwin away if you put that on me." She shook her head opened one of the compacts, I watched her dip the brush in one before moving the brush over my pouty lips. "Oooh, so pretty already and I've barely started. We can add some blush and just a little eye powder to brighten up your eyes a bit." I complied as she powdered up my face when she was finished I felt like a clown but according to her, it was beautiful.

"What do you think Levi?" Levi looked over and me before looking back over at the baby and nodded. "Looks great." I guess I'm going to have to take his word for it and assume I look good even though I feel silly. Right on cue, Erwin busted the door open, whatever Hange told him had him riled up and he looked frantic until he saw me. He smiled and sat down on the side of the bed beside me before wiping the red makeup off my lips.

"You're way too beautiful to be wearing this." He said wiping my face with his hands, I tried to stop him but with him being strong than me he continued until all of Hange's work was removed. "I rushed back because Hange said something happened to you but I can see that you're alright, you look a little tired but you're ok." I nodded and patted my stomach, I wasn't as big but there was still some swelling. He moved his hand to my belly before realizing it was smaller than before, he looked over at the crib and back at me.

I smiled and nodded, he didn't even need to speak for me to understand what he was trying to say. Erwin got up and walked over to the crib, as Levi and Hange left the room, more like Levi forcing Hange out of the room. He reached down and picked her up and lifted her to his face and smiled. "She's perfect just like her mother." Erwin walked over to the bed with her and kissed me. It was moments like these that make me realized that I am the luckiest person in the world, I could still be living underground or dead but no. I'm here with the love of my life and my precious baby girl.

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