The Fall of Shiganshina

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Chapter 1: The Fall of Shiganshina

"Why do you have to go now you promised me you were going to take me to the bakery today daddy?" Star asked as her father was collecting the last of his things. She always knew when he was going on his expeditions he couldn't work from home, but today she was being a brat and wanted her father all to herself. "Star I promise I will take you to the bakery when I get back, you know when work calls I have to go." He looked over at his frowning daughter his heart breaking knowing he had let her down. "I'll tell you what sunshine I'll ask Mrs. Baker to take you today and tomorrow we can go as well that way you have enough pastries to last the rest of the week." Star's face brightened up upon hearing that request for more sweets. "Oh daddy you're the greatest in the world I love you so much. Oh, can you bring me back a pretty flower again?" Like he once did for his late wife during her pregnancy he would bring an exotic flower from beyond the wall for his little sunshine. Like her mother, she took great joy in every living creature even ones were considered dangerous. 

"Of course, now Star Smith promise me you will be good for Mrs. Baker and not cause any trouble because I don't want to find another babysitter. I promise we will go to the bakery and I love you kid." Erwin said holding out his pinky. Star smiled wide and locked her tiny pinky with his and nodded. Erwin kissed the top of his daughter's head before he walked out the door. He made sure to get one last look at his little firecracker before heading off to work. Star waved one last time before frowning and walking up to her room, Mrs. Baker is going to be here soon and then she would get to go to the bakery and wait for her father to return. This is the life of Star Smith.

* The story is now in First Person Star's POV *

I quietly hummed to myself as Mrs. Baker pulled and twisted my long curly hair. She told daddy that if I'm going to leave the house with her he needs to learn how to take care of my hair. "This hair is horrific it so kinky and curly, your mother's hair wasn't as bad as this mop on your head." Mrs. Baker is a great woman according to her and daddy Mrs. Baker was the closest thing to a mom that my mommy had. She said that she found mommy as a baby in a basket behind boxes of grains and she took her. Daddy said she was a beautiful lady with jet black curly hair, dark skin like cocoa beans, and really short. Daddy and Mrs. Baker both say I look just like her but sometimes when I get pouty I look like daddy. "Alright cutie let's go to the bakery and get you back so I can start on lunch." She said rubbing the top of my head. Like always she always completed my hair with a large braid going down my back. 

"Mrs. Baker, do you think we can go to Shiganshina so then we can see daddy off?" She shook her head as she stood up. "I was told to take you to the bakery, make sure you have lunch and dinner then put you to bed if your father isn't back in time, which I know for a fact that he isn't," I smirked a little before standing up. "Please I just want to go see him, then we can come right back home, I promise I'll be good and I'll listen to everything you say," I said giving her the best-begging face I could. She frowned at me before sighing and nodding. I gave her a tight embrace before running upstairs to pack some things. If everything with the expedition went well then daddy wouldn't be back home until tomorrow and by the time we got to Shiganshina is was going to be close to sundown so we would have to stay at an Inn.

Like I said before we didn't get to Shiganshina until a few hours to sundown, I got to see daddy off but I don't think he saw me. The bakery here isn't as good as the one back home but it's still pretty good. "Alright, kid it's going to be dark in about an hour time to find a decent inn around here, even though I'm sure we aren't going to. We're in Shiganshina after all one of the poorest districts." Mrs. Baker said grabbing my hand. "Oh my, what a beautiful daughter, she's so different looking." I looked over at a dark haired woman she was very pretty and I couldn't help but get lost in her large brown eyes.

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