Sonny Baker P.2 (Mature Filler +18)

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A few weeks passed by and I couldn't bring myself to go back to Erwin's office, I was afraid that he would reject me and hurt my feelings even more. The Expedition was in three days and everyone was preparing for it, I noticed myself spending more time with Levi than thinking about Erwin. Levi and I were sparring, just trying to kill time when I noticed Erwin out of the corner of my eyes. He was speaking with another commander but this was a commander from the military police.

Levi knocked me to the ground and snickered. "Stay focused and I won't have to knock you on your ass." He helped me up and looked back over at Erwin, he turned and our eyes met. We both stared at each other for a moment and before he looked away I saw just the ghost of a smile appear on his face. "Oi, stop doing that. You told me what he did to you so stop, he was just using you." Levi said standing in front of me and blocking Erwin from my view. "Stop doing what? I can't look at my commanders, I'm admiring their high ranks and shiny buckles." Levi rolled his eyes walked off.

I frowned at his back and stuck my tongue out and walked in the opposite direction, it was true I confided in Levi and he promised me that he would do everything in his power to make Erwin pay. Fortunately for Erwin, I called my friend off and decided to keep my distance but the more time I spent away from him emptier I felt. I ended up going on a nature walk and found a beautiful clearing filled with light colored flowers.

They were the most beautiful flowers I'd ever seen, I wonder what type of flowers bloomed outside of the walls. Probably the same ones, maybe even prettier ones. "Hange is looking for you, I believe she said something about tea and titans." I turned to see Erwin kneeling down behind me, he was looking at some of the flowers. "Oh, yeah I should go then." Before I could walk off Erwin grabbed my hand and pulled me back over to him.

He tucked a flower behind my ear before letting me go, I stood there for a moment. I looked up at Erwin and he caressed my face, before leaning down and kissing my lips. "You've been avoiding me, I apologize if I have upset you in any way it's just I find you very distracting and I can't afford to be distracted right now." Like Hange said Erwin wasn't one to open himself up so I hoped with all my heart that he was telling the truth. I smiled and stood on my toes and returned the kiss.

"I think Hange can hang on just a little while longer, I'm sure the Titans can wait." In an instant, I was pushed to the ground and I hadn't realized my pants were off until I felt Erwin thrust into me. He leaned down and kissed me muffling my ecstasy filled screams. "Shh, don't forget we're outside and the others will hear you," Erwin whispered. I bit down on his shoulder in an effort to quiet my screams only to have Erwin speed up and change positions.

Erwin was now laying on his back with me straddling him, I felt my shirt being ripped open exposing my large breast. Yeah, I wasn't really sporting a bra today, I don't really need to wear one with all these stupid belts, they helped keep them under control. In a way though not wearing a bra today came in handy though. Erwin grabbed my breast and pulled me down he kissed me before trailing all the way down my neck to my breast. I stiffened up when he bit down hard on my nipple, I pushed him down and he smirked at me with his stupid handsome devilish smirk. He got up pushing me down to the ground on my stomach before slamming into me. I tried to keep my screams of pleasure under control but I couldn't everything felt amazing and I didn't care who heard me.

I felt my insides tighten and I knew I was close to my climax, Erwin sped up, and placed a couple butterfly kisses on my back. We both reached our climax and I felt Erwin's warm juices flow into me. I sighed and tried to make myself look respectable again, unfortunately, that was a little hard to since the buttons on my shirt were popped off. "Sorry, I wasn't really thinking when I did that, I can get you another shirt since I know you're not wearing undergarments." I nodded and he kissed me before getting up and leaving me.

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