Battle For Trost

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Update on hurricane***

I have a mandatory evacuation, I'm going to be off the grid for a bit plus I'm sick. *woo* When I leave and come back I might not have a home so we will see. Keep it real dudes!


After losing about half of the cadets we barely made it back to HQ, I hopped off of Marco's back and thanked him. Jean was yelling and causing a commotion, and the soldiers that were supposed to be our back up were all hiding, it looked like one of them even killed himself out of fear. Great, just another unnecessary body to add to the death count.

"Wait what about Mikasa she didn't make it. She's dead, that means we're all gonna die." I looked out of the broken windows and saw a few Titans looking in. Shake it off we're gonna get everyone out, of course, a couple people are going to die that's the just ugly reality of it.

There was a loud boom and smoke clouded the air after the air cleared up there was a large hole in the wall and Titans were looking in. Jean stood frozen and I pulled him away from the windows.

Before I could think of anything a large fist knocked both of the titans that were looking in away from the building, ok we can work with this. Mikasa, Connie, and Armin all flew in one of the broken windows. "What just happened?" I asked running towards the busted wall. "There's a berserk titan that killing the Titans outside, that's how we got here and right on time because we just ran out of gas," Connie said smiling.

"Look let's just get what we need and get everyone to safety, or would you rather stay here and be eaten?" I yelled as Jean hesitated. He nodded and we took off downstairs only to be stopped. "We can't go any further, the Titans they're in HQ we're all going to die." These kids were pathetic.

I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and whistled getting everyone attention. "Listen if you don't stop acting like pathetic whiny babies you will die and I won't feel sorry for you. The only way we're going to survive is if we work together so we're going to need to trust each other. Now I need a few of you to go looking for supplies, there should be some older stuff around here while the rest of you take a quick breather. Armin, I need to talk to you we need to put a plan together ASAP." Armin saluted me and the other went off in pairs.

Armin and I found a map of HQ while Jean and his group found a bunch of old guns, I guess this can work. "What do you think Armin?" He hesitated before sighing. There are seven 3-4 meter class Titans in the supply room, with enough firepower we can blind them all at once allowing seven of our highly skilled cadets to easily take them out. We use the Lift to lure them before shooting them have our lucky seven come down of the roof for a clean kill." Armin is a genius.

"Sounds like a plan, whoever graduated top of class I want all of you front and center because you're going to be give the finishing blow. Everyone else grab a gun and get in formation." The others did what I said and I was standing with seven cadets. "Your next move determines whether everyone will get out or not. You guys didn't graduate top of your class for anything so be smart, please. I believe in you guys." They nodded and I walked over to Armin. "It's now or never."


Everything went according to Armin's plan, minus a little slip up that was easily fixed but everyone was excited to be getting out of HQ alive. I was walking around making sure everyone was alright when a tall blonde walked up to me. "Can I help you?" I think his name was Reiner.

"You were great back there, just who are you? I don't think I've ever seen anyone look like you before." Two others walked over to us and smiled. "I'm just a friend trying to help out, now let's go get out of here before something happens," I yelled pushing my way past everyone. I made sure everyone exited the supply room before taking off outside, I stopped when I noticed Armin, Mikasa, Jean and few others watching the Titans on the roof.

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