Year 850

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Chapter 6: Year 850

"Star, are you finished with those papers, Commander Pixis is going to be here any minute for them." I was running around my father's office looking for the last of the papers that needed to be delivered to Pixis. I bet you're wondering how I am, it's been a year since I lost my friend and I'm doing alright. After grieving for almost 6 months, I finally realized that crying and getting angry wasn't going to get her back to there's no point throwing a fit. I finally found the last few pages and ran out of the room slamming into someone.

"Be careful Star, I tell you all the time not to run you're going to hurt yourself," Dad said patting my head. I handed him the papers and he took them and thanked me before walking down the hall. Everyone was getting ready for the expedition and unfortunately I wasn't allowed to go on another expedition because of Levi, he told on me so I have to wait a while before going on another one. I guess it's for the better, knowing me I would run off again and this time I probably wouldn't be as lucky as I have been. I walked in my room and headed over to the large mirror in my room.

It's been awhile since I've just stopped and looked at myself, I looked so different a year ago, I had such a childish face, I guess after Anika died I lost that childish side of me. My breast and hips were larger, giving me more of an hourglass figure, I cut my hair last month so it was a little past my shoulders. I looked beautiful but I sure didn't feel beautiful. I spent most of the time working so I never really had the time to clean myself up and wear dresses like I used to. Oh well, it's not like I have to look good for anyone. Armin and I still kept in touch, we don't talk as much as we used to but it's good to hear from him every now and again. He graduated a few days ago and he was planning on joining the Survey Corps, I tried talking him out of it but he was going to follow his knucklehead friend.

I headed to my father's room he was getting ready to head out and grabbing his things; he looked over at me and smiled at me. "I know you wanted to go but this is part of your punishment." I shrugged and gave him a hug. "Please be safe, and tell Levi I said to be good to his squad." He nodded kissing the top of my head. As soon as he left I took a nice hot shower and got dressed in my civilian clothing. I nice walk should do me well, I don't have anyone to order me around and I could just enjoy myself. I know Trost had a great bakery; it was only a 30-minute walk.

When I got to the bakery one of the workers immediately recognized me and gave me a large smile. "Hello, sweetheart how are you doing today?" Mable asked walking into the kitchen and returning with a blueberry pie. "I'm well, thank you so much I know I can always count on you to make sure you always have a pie for me," I said taking the pie, I thanked her once more before taking my leave. Maybe I can take a trip and visit Armin today before my dad comes back. "Star, I hope you're not planning on staying too long, the city is going through an evacuation plan. The new graduates from the military are going to be running around practicing to "kill titans." I nodded heading towards the large gates and sighed. People were already running to get out of the city and I followed them. Unfortunately, some puppet head had the nerve to try and fit a whole entire cart full of things that were blocking one of the entrances. I sighed before feeling the ground shake. I looked back at the gates and went back to "That Day" the day that forever changed the lives of everyone. The colossal titan was back and just like last time he destroyed that wall that kept the titans away from us. At this rate, everyone was going to be locked up in wall Sina and I know for a fact that those prissy rich folk wasn't going to be sharing anything with anyone out here. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and tried to get the horse out of the way of the entrance. I was pushed out of the way and a short balding man started yelling a bunch of nonsense.

"Listen I don't care what you have to say we have to move this thing and get these people to safety before it's too late and we all become titan chow. I know for a fact that you don't want to die but you sure are if you move this thing out of the way." I yelled. "These things are priceless and worth more than everyone here, so everyone is going to die if my things do get through those gates." I frowned before heading to the back of the group and looking for another way out. I heard light but quick heavy footsteps behind me and I knew there was a titan heading straight for the large group. Everyone screamed and were pushing and shoving each other trying to get in the gates.

I looked back to see a giant titan speeding towards the large crowd. He was definitely an abnormal by his speed, I have to think of something to save all these people. If I could just lead the crazy titan in another direction the crowd could exit safely, but I don't know if it's stupid enough to follow me. Before I could think of anything a military trainee flew in and killed the titan before he could get any closer. She was amazing and strangely familiar, it wasn't until she turned around and faced the crowd that I immediately recognized her. Armin's friend her name was Mikasa, the top trainee in the 104th training corps.

Mikasa got into a small altercation with the man from before who eventually let everyone through. Mikasa turned to head back to the battlefield but I called out to her. He eyes widened slightly as she recognized me. "Do you think you can get me to the equipment tower, if I get there I'll be able to help you guys out. It would be horrible for me to just leave all of you to fight by yourselves." She thought about it for a minute before nodding, one of the commanders landed on the roof above up and waved Mikasa over.

She took off to her commanding officer and exchanged some words with him before grabbing me and taking off. "Before we go to HQ I have to find Eren and make sure he's safe." I nodded before spotting a large group of trainees standing on the rooftops. They all looked defeated and worn out, I spotted Armin in the corner by himself. While the others conversed I ran over to Armin and kneeled in front of him.

He didn't look up and I knew something awful happened, he probably lost his squad or someone close to him. I heard Mikasa call out to Armin and he stiffened as she dropped down beside me. "Armin are you alright? Where's Eren?" She pushed me out of the way and I almost tumbled off of the roof, I was stopped by Jean grabbing onto my dress. He shook his head and looked over everyone, they looked so defeated and it upset me. "Jean we need to get everyone away from here and too higher ground." He made a face at me and looked around at everyone else.

"Why tell that to me, why not say it to someone who is going to actually make people want to move. Everyone is already defeated we're just waiting for our deaths to happen, we're almost out of gas and I don't think we're going to make it to the wall." He yelled. "All of you are idiots and you are right, you are going to die. You're going die because your all cowards and I hope you that all of you snap out of it before the titans find a way up here and eat you all. If you'd rather just stay here and die fine by me but I won't stick around waiting for it to happen I'm going to keep on moving until we can get everyone that actually wants to live to safety." I was hoping my pitiful speech was helping everyone until I realized I was the only one with out any gear.

Like myself I noticed a couple of the other cadets yelling at the others calling them names before taking a chance and heading to the HQ. Marco pulled me on his back and we took off on this epic suicide mission.

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